Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Read online

Page 10

  “Goodnight, Abi and Vanessa. It was great to meet you both.”

  We walk back to the bedroom; Alex holding my hand and I say, “Alex, I’m sorry about barging in this evening. I was upset and wanted to see you. Gregory had said you weren’t expecting me, but I came anyways.”

  Stopping to shut the door, he turns to face me and threads his fingers in my hair.

  “Baby, I am not upset you are here. I am actually thrilled that when you were upset you came straight to me. That is what I want; I want you to need me,” he says sincerely.

  “I do need you,” I respond eyeing him up and down in his casual attire of denim and cotton.

  Leaning down he seals our lips in a passionate kiss and walks forward to press me against the closed bedroom door. As he pulls my hands above my head, gripping both wrists in one of his hands, he moans into my mouth while grazing his hips against my own. We continue to kiss as his other hand grabs the hem of my dress and pulls it up to my waist. My panties disappear as he tears them apart with his nibble fingers. He inserts two fingers to massage my center and crooks them to rub the spot that will send me over the edge. Gasping into his mouth, I break the kiss and rest my head against the door as my breath begins to speed up. Alex leans down farther, biting and sucking along my collarbone, causing the embers in my belly to ignite. As I find myself reaching the pinnacle, Alex’s thumb rubs my clit and I sky rocket towards pleasure. Kissing me softly, he pulls his hands away and helps me undress completely before guiding me to the bed.

  “Goodnight, Mallory,” he says prior to kissing me again and heading back out to his guests.


  My body can feel the weight of Alex’s arm draped over me and I turn over to face him in the morning sun, smiling to myself. With his dark lashes fanning across his cheeks, lips slightly parted, and one arm resting under the pillow he is picturesque in bed. My eyes memorize his defined muscles and the way his body looks with the silver bed sheet draped over his pelvis. Sighing to myself I ask, “How did I get this charming man?”

  The bed jostles as I exit and Alex repositions himself onto his back, moving the arm from under the pillow to rest above his head, his other arm resting across his stomach. I grab my phone from my bag on the floor and turn on the camera setting. I take a picture so I can always remember that I spent two months with this perfect man.

  To make myself look somewhat presentable for Alex’s guests, I grab a pair of gym shorts and a long sleeve shirt from the closet after a quick shower. During my journey to the kitchen, I notice no one else is awake, so I decide to make everyone French toast and coffee. I veer towards the pantry to grab all of the ingredients and get started making breakfast. As I flip the first piece of toast, I feel large hands glide around my hips and rest on my waist underneath my shirt.

  Alex nibbles my neck and I moan in a husky voice, “If you keep doing that I am going to burn breakfast.”

  “I can’t help it. You look delectable this morning," he says as he rubs his growing erection across my backside.

  Tilting my head towards his face, I am rewarded with kiss. As I continue making breakfast, I find that Alex still looks amazing wearing black cotton lounge pants and a loose t-shirt. Watching me work, he sits at a bar stool with a cup of coffee and gentle smirk presiding on his face.

  “Ms. Winston, you have gorgeous legs, I may require you to show them off more,” he says between sips of coffee.

  “Are you crazy? My legs are beyond pale,” I reply with a chuckle.” But maybe we can compromise and I can wear stockings.”

  With a tap of his finger on his chin Alex contemplates and replies, “I don’t know.”

  “I can get thigh highs and wear a garter belt. I have a feeling you would enjoy seeing those.”

  “Oh, I would. We may need to go to a shop and pick a few things out.”

  Placing his plate in front of him, I lean across the counter and kiss his lips. “I would only ever do that for you, Alex.” I explain.

  “Damn right,” he says as he smacks my ass when I turn back towards the stove.

  Vanessa and Abigail come out to join us thirty minutes later and thank me for breakfast. We make easy conversation and I laugh at the banter between Abi and Alex. I can tell they are very close.

  Vanessa stands to leave the table saying, “I have to head out to catch my flight. Alex, thanks for letting me stay and, Abi, it was great to see you again. Please let me know when you’re in Wales next.” She walks over to me and leans in, grabbing me in a hug. “Mallory, it was wonderful to meet you,” she whispers to me. “You’re perfect for him. He will screw up, but please give him a chance to make it right.”

  Her words leave me stunned as she stands and moves to hug Alex and Abigail. As she grabs her bags out of the family room, she winks at me. How can she tell I am perfect for him? My gaze lands on Alex and he smiles at me, melting my heart yet at the same time causing my core to clench. Abi subtly coughs breaking the moment between Alex and me.

  “So, what plans do you two have today?” she asks Alex.

  “I don’t believe we have anything planned. However, it is still early. Mallory, would you like to go to Cross St. Market?.”

  “Sure, I love to walk through the market. The florist there is wonderful. Maybe I can pick up some flowers to liven up your place,” I say.

  “Can I tag along with you guys?”Abi inquires.

  “Sure, Abi. I’d love for you to join us,” Alex says. “Mallory, why don’t you take get ready. I want to talk to Abi for a bit.”

  “Yes, sir.”I answer with a wink.

  Wearing a light blue sundress, I make my way back into the family room and I overhear part of Abi and Alex’s conversation.

  “So you haven’t told her?”Abi asks.

  “No, Abi. And I have no intentions to do so.”

  “Why not?”

  I step into the room and interrupt their discussion by asking, “Tell who, what?”

  I have a sneaking suspicion the “who” is me. Alex glares at Abi who is giving him quite an evil look.

  “Abi and I were discussing if my mother was aware of my return home the end of summer,” Alex replies, but the way he doesn’t look directly at me lets me know he doesn’t plan on telling me what they were discussing.

  I squint at Abi who then looks away so I turn towards Alex and question, “Why wouldn’t you tell her when you are coming home?”

  “Well, my mother wants to see me married off. If she knows when I am coming home, she will surely have women lined up for me to date. I haven’t prepared myself for that.”

  Hoping to learn more about Alex I say, “That sounds horrible. Is your mother that bad?”

  “No, she is actually quite wonderful, but her need to marry off her children is a flaw to her character. If things were different I would love for her to meet you.”

  A hint of a smile adorns my face, but I am torn at his words. Mulling over his comment I wonder what he means by different.

  Abi speaks up trying to clear the tension in the room, “Mom would love you, Mal. She doesn’t travel to the states often, but if you ever visit England, you should look her up. She would love to take you to her garden. Those flowers are her other babies. I am a bit jealous of them.”

  Laughter erupts from her like a volcano as she finishes her sentence and heads towards her room.

  Finding a few moments alone, Alex and I move towards each other in the family room.

  “Everything ok, Ms. Winston?” Alex solicits.

  “Yes, sir. I am sorry again for interrupting your evening.”

  “I was happy to see you, Mallory. I missed you last night. I enjoy your company.”

  “I like Abigail and Vanessa, they seem lovely. My friends on the other hand, are on my shit list.”

  “I can’t believe they left you there. That isn’t safe for any of you. If something happened to you because of them, they would be on my shit list as well.”

  Placing light strokes along my face with t
he back of his hand, he leans forward, kisses my forehead, and then steps toward his bedroom.

  Resting on the balcony located off the living room, I lounge on one of the Adirondack chairs overlooking the harbor. The morning is extraordinary today and I unwind in the breeze off the bay. Abi joins me minutes later and sits in the chair beside me staring at the water.

  “You’re changing him, Mallory,” she states nonchalantly as she tugs at the edge of her shirt.

  “Excuse me?” I say offended, crossing my arms defensively.

  “Oh, sorry, I don’t mean in a bad way; it’s definitely good. You’re changing him for the better. He is less closed off, he seems happy.”

  “I don’t think that it’s from me. We’ve only been dating for a week.”

  “I know it’s from you. He mentioned meeting dark haired beauty a month ago and it turned out to be you. He called me that next day and said he had met someone important and was frantic he couldn’t find you. He hasn’t been the same since. Normally, he would have chewed my head off for showing up unannounced. Instead he seemed quite excited to see me.” She pauses and turns towards me then adds, “You are perfect for him and I know you are different from the others, Mallory. I hope he realizes that before it is too late and he messes up.”

  I consider her words and notice the sheer sincerity in her eyes.

  “Thank you for saying that, Abi. I adore your brother, but we agreed that this relationship was only temporary. I know he is willing to let me go at the end of July and I am preparing my heart for that day.”

  Abi stares at me and as she is about to speak again Alex walks out. I am stunned into silence at his beauty. His wet hair glistens in the sun. He has on a pair of low-slung jeans that fit close to his legs, black converse shoes, and a tight, fit, gray t-shirt that shows off every ripple of his chest and abdominal muscles.

  “My two favorite ladies lounging on my balcony; what more could I ask for?” he declares.

  I begin blushing at his statement and Abi laughs at my reaction saying to him, “Charmer.”

  Heading out of Alex’s building, we wait as Gregory pulls up in a large SUV. Alex ushers me into the back seat and Abi sits in the front. When we arrive at a crowded Cross St. Market Alex and I hold hands as we walk behind Abi. She wants to see, smell, and taste everything and I can’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm.

  Explaining her reaction Alex says, “Everything in England is completely different. You’ll see one day.” Then he places a gentle kiss on the palm of my hand, but my heart has clearly zoned in on the last words of his sentence. One day?

  During our leisurely walk, I ask Alex if I should call him Dr. Stone.

  “You could, but it’s not necessary.”

  “What do you do at the institute?”

  “I help the research teams. They’d like to hire me as a full time employee, and I have considered it, but the timing isn’t good right now.”

  Trying to keep the conversation light, I stop in front of the florist area and point out a handful of tulips, peonies, and hydrangeas that I think would look well in Alex’s apartment. The sales person wraps them up and we continue towards a seafood joint for lunch.

  While eating my meal, I instinctively feel eyes boring into me. I turn to see Stephanie glaring at me from a table across the restaurant and Seth looking in the other direction. Uncomfortable with the situation, I turn back to the group at my table.

  Reaching out to grab my hand, stroking his gently, Alex asks, “You ok?”

  “Yea, I’m fine. I just had a moment.”

  Pressing his lips in a slight frown, he looks at me as if he doesn’t believe me, then squeezes my hand and continues his conversation with Abi.

  As we return to Alex’s home, Abi and I head out onto the balcony we vacated earlier. Joining us a few minutes later, Alex brings with him a bottle of wine and glasses.

  “So Abi, when do you head back?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure. I have a few friends across the country I plan to visit, so I may stay around here for another couple days, but I have no timeline.”

  “Wow that must be exciting. I’ve only ever seen Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. My family didn’t really have the luxury to travel, but we vacationed close by. I don’t even think I have any friends outside of Maryland.”

  Changing subjects quickly and dismissing my comments, Abi shouts, “Hey big bro, can we eat at that seafood place on the harbor? I could go for some shrimp!”

  “Abi, we just ate!” Alex exclaims. But the way the love for his sister shines through his eyes, he gives himself away with his mock anger.

  “I know, but it’s not too early to decide on dinner.”

  “Whatever you say, sis. But sure, we can go down to the harbor for dinner.”

  “Great, I’m beat from that entire sensory overload this morning. I’m going to head inside and take a siesta.”

  Finishing off her glass of wine, Abi heads inside leaving Alex and me alone on the balcony.

  The moment Abi shuts the door, Alex walks over to where I am sitting, lifts me up, situates himself on the chair, and then proceeds to place me on his lap.

  “You look beautiful today, Mallory,” he whispers as he strokes my neck with his nose.

  At the slightest touch from his hand, the burning sensation activates over my skin and I close my eyes.

  “Th-thank you. You look sexy, as always,” I stutter as I shift slightly, trying to get some relief from my tightening core

  “Sexy, eh?”

  “Yes, don’t pretend you don’t realize the effect you have on the female population. I enjoyed watching all of the women gaping at you today while we strolled along the market.”

  “I believe you are delusional, Ms. Winston.”

  “On the contrary, Mr. Stone. It is you who are delusional.”

  Leaning in, I place a soft kiss on his lips and then he rests his forehead against my own.

  “What you do to me, Ms. Winston,” he seems to say to himself.

  Smiling up at him I ask, “Do you mind if I join you and Abi this evening? I am still upset with Madison and Mika, so I don’t really think I should go home.”

  “Certainly. I thought it was implied that you would be joining us. I told you I want you near me as much as possible before I leave.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to disappoint you by assuming I was to tag along.”

  “You are perfect, Ms. Winston. Have I told you that recently?” Alex says as he trails a finger up and down my neck and collarbone.

  “Not today, sir,” I respond with a smile.

  Turning me on the chair so that my back is against his chest Alex begins to massage my breasts through my dress and suckle the skin along my shoulders and neck.

  “Mmm. Ms. Winston, I want you now. Stand, take off your panties and hand them to me, then sit back down on my legs facing towards the railing,” Alex commands.

  Following his instructions, I can hear the soft hum of a zipper pulling down as I finish his demands and stand facing away from him. With an unfamiliar boldness, I hold out my hand with my panties dangling from my fingers. My breath and heartbeat have accelerated to a wicked pace and I can feel my fingers trembling as I anticipate Alex’s next move. He snatches the panties from my hands and I proceed to sit on his lap. My hips are lifted suddenly, so that he can slide his lower body forward and pull me back against him. Placing my legs on the outside of his, I can feel his erection slide along my folds. My desire for him in this instant causes a moan to release from my lips. Hoping to hit my throbbing spot, I rock my body back and forth. Alex tilts me forward and then he lifts his hips up. Without time to react, he enters me swiftly and we gasp simultaneously. He starts to pump me up and down holding onto my waist and he does the same with his hips. The feeling is incredible as he fills my core to the brink. My body wants him to stop because he is hitting me so deep, but he is creating such intense pleasure that I can’t imagine him ceasing. As he continues to drive us both forward,
I can feel myself pushing closer to the edge. I try to hold back my explosion, but I sense he is getting near to his peak as well. After reaching forward to rub my clit with his hand, we reach our conclusion together and both lean back, Alex onto the chair and me onto him.

  Wrapped up in bliss, I hear Alex announce, “That was spectacular, Ms. Winston.”

  “Yes sir, it was.”

  We tread into the house and head towards the bedroom. Lying down on the bed, I watch Alex as he unfastens his wristwatch.

  “You are quite a sight to behold, Ms. Winston,” Alex says as he stands there in all of his sumptuousness. Crossing his arms across his tight chest, he says authoritatively, “Touch yourself, Ms. Winston. Begin with your breasts and move your left hand to your already slick folds, and then fuck yourself with your fingers.”

  Nervousness surges through me and bow my head momentarily. But as desire courses through me remembering how passionate I feel when Alex is turned on I do as he says letting my right hand massage my breast and pinch my nipples, while my left hand travels down to my wet sheath. My hand slides back and forth saturating my palm and fingers. As I insert two fingers into my core, I close my eyes to pretend that it is Alex. I envision his naked body and I can feel his hands instead of my own. My body is still reeling from our earlier exertion.

  “Oh, I am so close, Alex. May I come sir?”

  “Fuck, baby. I can smell your sweetness from here,” he says with a husky voice.

  Opening my eyes, I see him leaning against the wall separating the bedroom and sitting area. One of his hands is stroking his pulsating cock through his unzipped jeans, while he watches me pleasure myself behind his heavy eyelids.

  “No, Ms. Winston. You may not come yet,” Alex demands.

  Moaning at his rejection of my request, I try to slow the force of my fingers, but my impending upsurge continues to grow. Closing my eyes again, I focus on trying to hold back all of my pleasure.

  As I open my eyes again, I find Alex standing in front of me.

  “Stop,” he utters.

  I pull my fingers from my core and I place both hands on the bed. Sweat beads grace along my hairline and my breathing is heavy.