Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Page 13
“Wow, sounds like a soap opera.”
“Oh, it was. You should have been there. So, what’s on the agenda today?”
“You have a director’s meeting at 9:00am and then a lunch meeting with Kyle and Lily Johnson.”
“Lunch meeting? I never schedule lunch meetings.”
“Well,” she pauses, “You didn’t. I did. He called and tricked me into setting one up. He is just so damn charismatic. I’m sorry. Do you want me to cancel?”
“No, it’s fine. He won’t be nearly as bad if his sister is there. Plus, Seth hasn’t eaten lunch with me in forever. So it won't be a problem.”
“Oh and there is a beautiful rose on your desk,” Annie shouts as I head back towards my office.
Scrambling to open the door to my office, I hope to find Alex sitting there. I am only mildly disappointed to find a single purple rose placed on my desk. Goodness how my body yearns for him. Just the thought of him being close to me is enough to cause my belly to clench tight. His possession has quickly wiggled and squirmed its way around my heart.
As I sit in my chair, I glance down to see a small envelope tied to the stem of the rose.
To my beloved, Ms. Winston. Please see this rose as a request for forgiveness. My soul was tormented at my departure this morning. You have captivated me, Ms. Winston, and I hope to come back home into your arms soon. I haven’t begun to explore you, or us, yet.
Alex Stone
Things I know: You clasp your hands together and look down when you’re nervous.
My cheeks heat and my eyes pool with moisture as I ponder what he means with the “Things I know” add on and then I realize he is referring to my comment that he didn’t know anything about me. He really does pay attention to everything I say .As I read the letter a third time and sniff the rose, I hear a cough at the door and I look up to find Seth standing in my doorway.
“Hey Seth, what’s up?” I ask.
Without a response, he turns around and walks away. I was sure he understood that I wasn’t attracted to him that way and hopefully his jealousy will wear off soon so he can focus on his relationship with Stephanie.
When I return to my office after my Directors meeting, I see both Johnson siblings perched on my love seat.
“Ms. Winston, thanks for agreeing to join us for lunch today. We apologize for waiting in your office. Your assistant Annie allowed us to wait in here,” Lily states somewhat embarrassed.
“No problem, Lily. It is great to see you. You as well, Kyle.”
Grabbing my hand, Kyle kisses my knuckles saying, “It is always a pleasure, Ms. Winston.”
“Please both of you call me Mallory. Where would you all like to go to lunch today?”
Lily speaks up, “There is a deli a few blocks away and they have the best sandwiches.”
“That sounds great. Let me grab my bag.”
As I move over to my desk, Kyle asks a question. “That is a beautiful rose, Mallory. From your boyfriend?”
“Um, yes, Kyle. It is from Alex.”
“Won’t he be jealous that you are joining me for lunch?”
“No. One, because I am joining you and Lily and two, because he trusts me.”
“Lucky S.O.B.,” he grunts under his breath causing me to laugh at his statement as we continue to the elevators.
Lunch was fantastic and the deli really did boast one of the best sandwiches I had ever eaten. Kyle, Lily, and I find ourselves in an enjoyable conversation. All three of us enjoy the same things and we make it a point to get together again soon outside of work. Lily returns to their loft after our meal and Kyle walks back with me to my office.
“I’m glad we could get together for lunch today, Mallory,” he says.
“I am too. You all are now my favorite clients.”
“Can I ask you question?"
"I don’t make you uncomfortable do I? Lily tells me I have a tendency to flirt and I’d really like for you to be our friend.”
“Your flirting doesn’t have near the effect on me that it probably should. I am very happy in my relationship. But even so, you and Lily remind me of my twin brothers so it is a bit difficult to see you both in any light other than that.”
Kyle and Lily are both equally beautiful with their beach blonde good looks. I bet Madison would like Kyle. Just thinking about Madison has me seeing red in fury. I’m not sure what is happening between us; we were always so close growing up.
“You ok there, Sparky?” he asks knocking me from my daydream.
“Uh, yes I’m fine, sorry. I was just thinking to myself that my friend Madison would like you.”
“Ooohhh, do tell. Is she has stunning as you?”
“She is beyond stunning. Madison just got out of a serious relationship a few months ago and hasn't really started dating yet. She is barely over five feet tall and is 100 pounds of pure spunk. She has long brown hair, tan skin, and blue eyes. Oh, wait I have a picture on my phone.” The digital image of the three of us from the night at Lucky 21 is set as my wallpaper on the phone. “Here,” I say holding out my phone. “She is the one on the left, in the gold. My other housemate is Mika, in the silver.”
“Well, she is as lovely as you described. Too bad you’re taken though. You are definitely the most beautiful out of the bunch.”
“Seriously? You and Alex both need to have your eyes checked.”
“Men always see things differently than women.”
“Whatever you say, Kyle,” I joke as I take my phone back. “Can I get you anything before you head out?”
“No thanks, I’m good. Please call us this weekend if you want to hang out. We typically chill out at the loft, but we can venture out if you want.”
“Sure, Kyle. I’ll let you know.”
The rest of my day passes at a snail’s pace while I finish up the rest of the Johnson paperwork. The new vodka campaign will begin next week so I make sure to schedule all of the necessary team meetings. Steven pops in a few times to check on the upcoming campaign and he seems thrilled with my gaining of the vodka client. He says it was a very lucrative deal to make.
I wave goodbye to Stephanie on my way out, but she makes no attempt to address me. I'm a bit hurt at her dismissal of me.
Walking out of the lobby, I don’t notice Gregory waiting. “Should I call him?” I ask myself. He isn’t my personal driver and I would feel bad if he was in the middle of something personal.
Turning to walk down the sidewalk, I decide to head towards my home. Even if I plan on staying at Alex’s I would like to bring some lounging clothes with me and I need to water my plants and check my mail. As I get closer to my building, I can hear police sirens in the distance. This is a safe area and I hope something hasn’t happened to one of my neighbors.
Suddenly, Gregory pulls up beside me and jumps out of his car shouting, “Ms. Winston, I apologize for running late this evening. Please let me take you back to Mr. Stone’s.”
He sounds hurried and out of breath.
“It isn’t a problem, Gregory. The weather is lovely today. Why are you out of breath?”
“Please, miss. Let’s head back and we can discuss it at Mr. Stone’s home.”
“I want to go to my home. I have a few things I need to do.”
“Ms. Winston, I must advise against you going home.”
“Why? What is going on? Why can’t I go home?”
“Miss, please,” Gregory insists.
“Well, Gregory, I suggest you either escort me to my home or I will walk alone. It’s your choice.”
“Yes, miss. I will escort you to your home,” he relents defeated.
As we approach my row home, I see that the police cars are blocking off the road. Gregory parks along an adjoining street and we rush towards the police tape.
“Sir, I live here. What is going on? Is anyone hurt?” I ask urgently.
“Your name, please?”
“Mallory Winston”
sp; “Ms. Winston, please follow me. Your boyfriend can join us.”
I look back at Gregory and smirk at the blush on his face, but I don’t correct the officer.
“Ms. Winston, you were lucky that no one was home, but it seems that the perpetrator only targeted the lower apartment,” the officer mentions.
“I live in the lower apartment.”
“That’s what I thought. We were alerted, through your security system on the apartment door that someone had entered the main house, but picked the lock to your door.”
Walking through the main door to my home, SLUT has been painted in bright red across my door and WHORE has been painted on the hallway walls. I notice Gregory has pulled out a small camera and is taking pictures. I’m glad he is here with me because I am a bit frightened to see anymore.
“Ma’am, are you ok for me to open to door now?” the kind officer inquires as his hand rests on the knob.
“Yes, sorry,” I answer shyly.
The officer opens my living room door and we step inside slowly. Piercing every wall and section of furniture are thousands of razor sharp cutting knives. I think I am more shocked that someone could so easily carry that many knives around with them, than the fact that someone wanted to harm me at my apartment. The officer guides me to the kitchen where I find the word TRASH painted onto my counter top. Glancing back at the living room, I take a deep breath.
“There is more, Ms. Winston,” the officer says. Guiding me towards the extra bathroom, I see the bathtub full of blood.
“It seems to be animal blood,” he acknowledges. “We don’t believe it is human. The other bathroom looks the same. Strangely, the only room he or she didn’t touch is the guest bedroom.”
We continue to the master bedroom and I tighten my gut as we enter. Every piece of fabric, from my bedding to my clothes, has been cut up into shreds. None of it is even remotely salvageable.
“Why would someone do this to me?” I ask bewildered and in shock.
“Well, ma’am, that’s what we’d like to ask you. If you don’t mind, I have a handful of questions. I know you’re probably uneasy right now, but we want to catch this person.”
I glance around at my room again, looking for any clues that may help to point out the person responsible, but nothing jumps out at me. Searching for one piece of clothing I had hidden away, I reach under my bed to find the bronze dress still in its bag from the store. This is the dress I wore when I met Alex. Even when he isn’t physically here, seeing this dress brings me peace and solace.
Gregory drives me to the police station so I can give my statement and answer a few questions.
The officer begins, “Ms. Winston, we are going to get started. This is not an interrogation so there is no need to be nervous.”
Looking down at my hands, a giggle escapes thinking about the card earlier I received from Alex where he mentioned I clasp my hands together when I’m nervous.
“Yes, sir. Please go ahead,” I say.
“The perpetrator entered your home at 2:00pm this afternoon. Where were you at 2:00pm?”
“I was back at my office finishing a campaign. My lunch meeting ended at 1:00pm.”
“Is there anyone that would want to harm you? Can you give us a list of your close friends or acquaintances?”
“No, sir. I don’t have any enemies that I am aware of. My other house mates aren’t speaking to me right now, but we’ve been friends for a very long time. This isn’t something they would do. My other friend, Seth, works in my building and he was at the office today. I saw him this morning. His girlfriend doesn’t like me much either, she is our receptionist, but she is too innocent for something like this. My co-workers, Annie and Steven, were also both at the office today. The two clients I had lunch with both had meetings across town this afternoon.”
Glancing in Gregory’s direction the officer inquires, “Where was your boyfriend, Ms. Winston?”
“He left for England early this morning. Gregory,” I say nodding in his direction, “was the one to take him and his sister to the airport.” I start to ask myself, where was Gregory this afternoon?
He must be able to sense my thoughts because he speaks to me and the police officers, “Ms. Winston, I didn’t want to alarm you earlier, but I have been allowed to tap into your security system at your home as a precautionary measure per Mr. Stone’s request. I arrived at the scene the same time as the police. When the incident occurred, I was at my home talking to Mr. Stone about some matters in England."
I turn away from Gregory, appalled at this knowledge. I understand Alex wants to protect me, but hacking into my system is taking it a bit far. My fists clench and unclench as I try to control my anger.
Before I have a chance to unleash my fury onto Gregory, the officer speaks up, “Ms. Winston, you have given us a great deal of information and quite a few leads. I’d like to answer any questions you may have.”
With the opportunity at my grasp I start, “Were there any witnesses? How much do you know?”
“No, ma’am. No witnesses have come forward as of yet. The perpetrator had a window of fifteen minutes before the police arrived, so we believe he worked with an accomplice. He also didn’t seem to notice that you had installed a security system, so we don’t believe he could be one of your close friends.”
I quickly correct him, “Actually, when I bought the home I had it installed on closing day. No one knows about the system, not even my roommates. I’m surprised Gregory discovered it.”
Gregory chirps in, embarrassed, “Sorry, miss. I have a device on my phone to recognize the electrical output of security systems and bugs.”
The officer addresses me again, “I’m sorry I don’t have more information for you currently, but we will be in contact as we learn more. The area has never experienced vandalism so the neighbors are very upset. We will be gathering statements from your roommates this evening and asking them to stay somewhere else while we clean up the debris. Do you have somewhere you could stay, Ms. Winston?”
“Yes, sir. I had planned on staying at my boyfriend’s place while he was away.”
“Great. Here is my card, Ms. Winston. Please call me if you think of anything that may help the case.”
As we walk back to the car, Gregory turns to me and asks, “Are you ok, miss?”
“I think so. Does Alex know?”
“Yes, ma’am. He is angry that he isn’t here. Are you hungry, Ms. Winston?”
“Starving!” I exclaim.
“I know just the place.”
We are seated at this cozy, little, Italian diner where Gregory promised the best pizza in Baltimore. We both order a beer to help unwind from the afternoon.
“I’m sorry this has happened to you, Ms. Winston.”
“It’s alright. I just feel like I’m missing some piece of the puzzle. How could I not know that someone was planning this? I don’t even know who to trust anymore.”
“I’m sorry, miss. But you are correct in thinking there is a piece missing,” he says as he reaches into his pocket for his phone. Continuing he states, “There were a few items sent to you in the mail that were taken away as evidence. I was lucky enough to take photos of them earlier. Would you like to see them now or wait until we return home?”
Stunned that I received threatening letters in the mail and left in the dark, I say coldly, “Uh, I’d like to see them now, please.”
“Yes, miss.”
Gregory holds out his phone and shows me picture after picture of threats written out in red ink. Some threats calling me the same names that were written out on the walls, doors, and countertop, while others were more descriptive. The final and more recent note made vomit form in my stomach and push up my throat. It said, I will slit you mouth to core before you will end up with him. I swallow heavily to keep the bile at bay and try to catch a breath.
“Is this why you are so worried, because someone may be targeting Alex as well?”
Gregory reaches across and grabs
my hand saying, “Ms. Winston, never underestimate your importance to Alex, myself, or the world. Whether these notes were involved or not, Alex and I would be equally as concerned about your well-being.”
Letting his words sink in I ponder, will Alex still care about me when he returns to England in a few months?
Thanking Gregory, he answers, “You’re most welcome, Ms. Winston. Also, the police department has asked that you not return to work for a few days. They are afraid that the perpetrator may target you there. I spoke with your Vice President and he said you would have the next three days off with pay. They are glad you are ok and no one was hurt.”
“What am I supposed to do in the mean time? My two closest friends are suspects,” I say with my voice rising to a shout, and I have nowhere to go.”
“Well, Ms. Winston, I can help with both of those. First, you will be staying at Mr. Stone’s home at his request. Second, I have made a phone call and I believe you will have a visitor tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, that visitor will not be Mr. Stone. His brother has him tied up with some domestic issues.”
Letting his words sink in, I calm down and utter, “Oh, ok. At least I will have clothes at Alex’s. I don’t seem to have any left at my home.”
We settle into silence as our pizza arrives, both deciding to take in the events that happened today.
Entering Alex’s home, Gregory sweeps the premises first as a precaution before allowing me to proceed. I’m not sure it is necessary, but I wait for him to finish before I enter the rest of the apartment.
“Ms. Winston,” Gregory starts, “Alex has requested that I turn on the video surveillance in his home while he is away. Are you ok with this?”