Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Read online

Page 7

  The new assistant started today, but I haven't gotten to speak to him much. He's been working closely with Annie, learning all her past duties. Something about him seems a tad off, but I can't put my finger on it.

  Back at my office it is a busy afternoon with conference calls the remainder of the day. Steven wants me to introduce myself to all of the clients so that they become more familiar with me taking over their projects.

  Before I know it the day is ending, but I stay a bit later than normal and reach my home around 6:30pm. After eating a quick dinner, I turn on some music and lie on the couch hoping to catch a nap while waiting for Alex. My body and mind are exhausted from the past two days. Startling me from my deep sleep, I can feel myself being lifted from the couch and my skin burns where Alex’s hand touches me.

  “Sleep, beautiful girl,” he whispers into my ear.

  Placing me on my bed Alex slowly peels off my clothing. The bed dips slightly and I turn my body in that direction to find Alex resting on his side facing me. I want so badly to memorize the shape of his body with my fingertips, but I am too exhausted to move.

  “Thank you,” I whisper as he pulls me closer.

  With my head resting along his shoulder and our legs intertwined we drift to sleep.


  The next morning I wake up in a set of cold sheets. Listening for Alex in the house and hearing nothing, I realize that I am alone. Not completely sure if I dreamt that Alex was here, I stretch and get ready for work. While grabbing a granola bar from my kitchen, I see my necklace sitting on the kitchen counter. Anger surges through my veins. Furious that Alex hasn’t left me a note to excuse his quick exit; I toss the necklace in my bag and head out the door. During my car ride, I replay the previous night in my head causing my emotions to change from angry, to hurt, then to a combination of the two. I know he is busy and may have only left early this morning, but my feelings are hurt that he didn’t say goodbye.

  Entering my office, I steer clear of Stephanie and Annie. Once they see the anger written across my face, I know that they will pry me for details. At my desk, I stare at my email program and then pull out my phone. No missed calls, no voicemail, and no messages. What the hell? Did I say something in my sleep to make him upset with me? With utter confusion added into my heady state, I try to focus on my projects.

  My day passes in a haze and I haven’t been even remotely productive. Everyone can tell that I am upset so they seem to avoid me at all costs. As I step into the elevator I glance at my phone again, still no messages. Not sure if I am supposed to go to his place tonight, I head towards my own.

  Once I walk into the main entrance, I notice Mika is upstairs. Normally I would go up to her place and catch up, but I am not in the mood tonight. Instead, I let myself into my apartment and head toward my bedroom. After throwing on a pair of short gym shorts and comfortable a long sleeve t-shirt, I pop a bag of popcorn in the microwave and grab a glass of red wine. “Popcorn and wine; the dinner of champions,” I say out loud to myself causing me to release a chuckle.

  Turning on the television, I see that The Notebook is playing. My emotions couldn’t bear to watch that film tonight, so I turn the channel to The Food Network and settle in for a marathon of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives.

  After finishing off a bottle of wine I am about to start another when I hear a knock at the door. Heading towards the noise, I trip over the leg of a barstool, twisting my ankle.

  “Fuck,” I shout as a twinge of pain spirals up my leg.

  Hopping over to the foyer, I am holding my leg up as I open the door. Expecting to find Mika on the other side, I am taken aback to find the Adonis I have been angry at all day.

  Noticing the pain in my face and my leg in my hand Alex rushes forward asking, “Mallory, are you ok? Did you hurt yourself?”

  Staring up at his beautiful face, I notice that his eyes look tired and he has a bit more stubble than usual.

  Through gritted teeth I declare, “I’m fine I just tripped over the barstool, that’s all. Why are you here?”

  “Because I want you in my bed.”


  “Why what, Ms. Winston?” Alex asks impatiently, sighing as he says my name.

  “Why did you leave and not say anything? I thought…I thought you didn’t want me anymore. That I did something to disappoint you,” I say as a tear escapes from my eye, surely from my alcohol-induced state.

  Taking note of my distress, he grips me in his arms.

  “Oh baby, no. I have never wanted someone as much as I want you. I just didn’t want to wake you up. You look so peaceful when you sleep. I had an important call to make back home and it was early due to the time difference.”

  “Oh,” I say in embarrassment. Leaning into him, I nuzzle his chest and continue, “but you didn’t message me at all today. I wasn’t sure where to go when I was done with work.”

  He tilts my face up with his hands and says, “Ms. Winston, I apologize for my mistake. It will not happen again... I have missed you today, Mallory. Let’s go home.”

  Gazing into my eyes, asking for permission, he beckons me with a kiss so soft and sweet I can feel my heart melt. He moves around my home turning off the television and lights. After grabbing something from my room, he lifts me into his arms and carries me out the door. After double-checking that the lock is secure, we continue towards the town car where Gregory waits.

  The ride to Alex’s home is unbearably silent, the only noise coming from the radio. A phone rings startling us and Alex reaches into his suit pocket, answering it quickly. It is then that I remember I need to ask him about the new phone.

  “Stone,” he answers abruptly.“Yes, I will return the end of July. Yes, please have it ready. Thank you,” he says into his phone’s receiver before shoving the phone back into his suit pocket.

  “Alex, may I ask you a question? It’s about the phone?”

  “Sure, darling.”

  “Well, my current phone is on its last leg and I was wondering if I could use the phone you gave me as my primary phone.”

  He pauses to consider my request, rubbing his finger back and forth across his lower lip, which I now realize is a contemplative gesture, he answers, “I definitely wouldn’t want you to go without a way to contact your family. So yes, you may transfer your contacts to that phone. Is that all?”

  “Yes, well, I have one more thing, but it isn’t very important.”

  With a huff in his voice at a lack of patience, Alex says, “Out with it, Mallory.”

  “Ok, um, Annie my Junior Exec is getting married August 1. Will you still be here?”

  Shaking his head in disappointment Alex takes my hand and presses a soft kiss across my knuckles before saying, “No, darling. My last day in the states will be July 29. I have a prior engagement for my family that Saturday, as well. I’m sorry; I would have loved to accompany you.”

  “Oh, that’s okay,” I reply, trying to keep the disappointment out of my tone. “I just thought I would ask so I didn’t wonder if you could have stayed. I will see if Seth can join me.”

  “Who is Seth?” Alex says as anger flashes in his eyes.

  “He’s a friend from work, we eat lunch together most days, and he hangs out with me and the girls on occasion.”

  The car stops and Alex rushes out abruptly, but doesn’t wait for me. Rising to my feet quickly I rush towards the elevators to catch up with him. Pulling me in behind him, he turns me against the wall of the car.

  “Do not flaunt your men in front of me, Mallory. I am a possessive man and I do not share,” Alex articulates.

  Stunned into silence by the tone of his voice, I can’t even begin to tell him that I do not see Seth as anything more than a friend.

  When the car stops, we stroll quickly through his home with his hand gripping my wrist. Stopping in front of the media room, I have yet to see, he opens the door. The walls in this room are a dark gray, like charcoal, with a long, taught, black leather ottoman ass
embled in the center. Along the wall there is an intricate art piece with different sized, non-connecting squares, that are in an overall shape of a circle. Placed along another wall is a piece of furniture that resembles a dresser. On top of the dresser is a series of colored candles and a few decanters filled with liquid. Along the other side of the wall, there is an armoire to match the dark wood of the other furniture. The pieces make the room very dark but warm.

  “Mallory, you have disappointed me and in doing so, you deserve to be punished. I had hoped that we would have a nice reconciliation this evening, but this will be equally as enjoyable for me. Ms. Winston, do you know why I have been disappointed?”

  I stare at him bewildered at his change in personality. Punished? I had only been spanked as a child a few times, though I did enjoy his spanking the other night.

  “Mallory?” he says angered.

  “Uh, yes, sir,” I answer swiftly knowing that mentioning Seth is what spurred this. And I can’t really blame him, because I know I’d throw a fit of jealousy if the roles were reversed.

  “Good. Now go stand in front of the medallion on the wall. Take off all of your clothes, fold them, and place them on the floor beside you. Then stand with your legs apart, facing the room.”

  Once I am standing in front of the medallion, I see that the piece is a bit more sinister than I originally thought. It has a few restraints attached to it in varying locations. This epiphany jolts my emotions with nervousness. I take off my clothes and fold them in a hurry, not wanting to displease Alex further. Turning to face the room, I spread my legs wide and as I do, I find Alex standing in front of the open armoire. One of his hands holds a plastic paddle with holes placed throughout and in the other hand he holds what looks like a whip with a number of strips at the end. From this distance, the end of the whip also resembles a dildo. My apprehension grows as I become unsure of his intentions. Alex grabs one more thing from a drawer within the armoire and then stalks over to where I stand.

  “Normally, I would enjoy seeing you walk around with a dual cock gag in your mouth as a punishment, but neither of can afford the humiliation, so I will use pain instead,” he begins.

  “Can you tell me what you have and plan to do, sir?”

  “As you are new to this lifestyle I will describe the toys only. I typically like to perform scenes with the element of surprise. This one,” he says and holds out his hands, “is a paddle that will whistle when being used.” Holding out his other hand he continues, “This one is a flogger with an attached dildo. This flogger can be used for pleasure or pain. And these are nipple clamps that attach to your collar.” He pauses and then hisses at me in anger, “Mallory, where is your collar?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. It is in my bag, sir.” I rush out and keep my head down.

  I can hear the disappointment as Alex releases a deep breath and I can feel the desire in the room change as he leaves. Moments later, he stalks back into the room with my necklace in his hand and he fastens it quickly around my neck. He strokes bits of cold metal across my chest then attaches the biting nipple clamps to my breasts; overly tightening them causing me to gasp in pain.

  “Turn around and raise your arms. Keep your legs spread,” he demands. Following his command, he straps me onto the medallion. Hissing into my ear Alex exclaims, “For every hit you receive you will count out loud. I will begin with twenty lashings from the paddle. Your safe word will be purple.”

  With my nod in agreement the hits begin softly at first, starting at my calves, then moving to my thighs and behind. As the sixth hit is announced, the pounding starts and I find myself beginning to cry from pain. He pauses momentarily as I can barely gasp out the number ten.

  “You are a lovely shade of pink. Don’t forget about the safe word if it becomes too much,” he says as he dips his hand between my legs. “You’re dripping with honey, sweet girl. Your body enjoys this.”

  I can hear him taste his fingers and groan. The lashings continue until I can barely speak or stand up from the pain. Needing to endure this, for him, and for myself, I swallow my pride and refuse to use the safe word.

  The paddle drops to the floor as Alex halts his movements. Turning my head to the side, I see him move toward the dresser and drink something from one of the decanters. Pacing back to me, he starts to remove his clothing. As I watch him, he stares into tear stained my eyes.

  “I would have preferred you to undress me this evening, Ms. Winston. Maybe another time,” he says as his collared shirt joins his jacket on the floor.

  Next, he removes his belt and pants and is left standing in a v-neck undershirt and boxer briefs. Reaching behind his head, he lifts and removes his shirt. Pulling down his boxer briefs, I continue to stare and notice my mouth going dry. Alex’s body is all tight chest with six-pack abs and the v-cut that girls dream about. Obviously, he spends a lot of time at the gym. Looking down at his erection, I shouldn’t be surprised since I have enjoyed it already, but I am shocked at its length and thickness.

  “Taking in your fill, miss?” he asks.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” I reply nervously, tucking my chin to my chest.

  “I don’t mind, your body is equally as enchanting,” he says as his fingers scroll down the chain draping my chest and tug on the nipple clamps.

  “Ah,” I shout as pain and pleasure ripple through my breasts.

  Skimming down my body his hand glides across my mound toward my folds. Strong fingers slide back and forth along my center.

  “Oh god,” I say through a moan.

  “Do not force me gag you, Ms. Winston,” Alex exclaims with force. “Be quiet. This is for me not you. You are not allowed to come,” he continues.

  I shout in my head a slew of profanities, as he steps away and grabs the flogger. My upper back and arms are met with soft light strokes.

  “This won’t do,” Alex seems to say to himself.

  The flogger drops to the floor with a whoosh.

  Soon, he removes my restraints so that I can be turned around and then they are placed back.

  “Much better, more skin to liven up,” Alex says as he walks away.

  Grabbing the pants lying on the floor, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the dark purple belt that goes with my wrap dress. That must be why he went into my bedroom.

  He comes back to where I am restrained and wraps the belt across my eyes tying it in the back.

  “This will heighten your senses, Mallory,” he says as the flogger brushes lightly across the front of my body.

  All too soon, he begins to lash me. Sharp strips of pain shoot across my legs, arms, and stomach. He strikes my breasts numerous times causing a current to lace through them. Moisture drips down my inner thigh as my body craves a form of release. Minutes, or hours, pass and I am numb to the pain, only feeling the burning desire.

  Ending his torment, he unhooks the restraints on the medallion. With so little strength, I practically topple over myself as Alex guides me to the ottoman in the middle of the room. Leaning me across the furniture, I note that it is a bit higher than I expected. Pulling restraints from under the ottoman, he attaches them to my wrists. I feel Alex stroke his hand softly down my back and across my behind. Ending at my pool of heat, he inserts two fingers into my core.

  A husky tone vibrates from Alex’s mouth as he says, “Mallory, your body is so turned on right now. It likes to be punished.” He continues to stroke his fingers in my core hastily bringing me closer to the edge. All too soon, he removes his fingers. “This will be quick Mallory; and remember, my pleasure not yours. You may not come.”

  Thrusting his erection into my body, I focus on his movements. As his erection grows, he continues to pump harder and faster and I can feel him close to his release. As to not disappoint him again, I scatter my brain full of thoughts related to work and family to keep my release at bay. Miraculously, I am able to hold off my climax as he spills his seed in me and then leans on my back; both of our breathing heavy from the exertion. Alex
sits up quickly and removes my restraints and blindfold. Stroking my hair, he lifts me into his arms. As my eyes adjust to the dimmed light as he carries me into his bedroom and gently lays me on his bed.

  Stepping out of his bathroom, his hands carry a bottle of lotion.

  “This will help with the pain and keep you from bruising. May I rub it on you?” he soothingly asks.

  I nod my head yes, as I continue to lay there as tears of pain well up in my eyes when he rubs the lotion over my body.

  “Please sweetheart, don’t cry here,” he says in a shaken voice.

  In reply, I whisper, “The lotion burns.”

  “I know. I am sorry. You did a wonderful job.” Tenderly turning me onto my back, his thumb traces under my eyes, wiping the tears that have fallen. Leaning in, Alex gives me a soft kiss.

  “I don’t want you to do that again,” I tell him.

  Concerned, Alex asks, “Is this too much for you, Mallory? We can stop this if you need to. I understand that it isn’t for everyone.”

  “No, please,” I say, pleading though in pain. I’m not ready to lose him yet. “It just wasn’t what I had expected. I’ll do better, I promise.”

  “You are a wonderful submissive, Ms. Winston. Always eager to please me. Now lay back and rest. I will get you some aspirin and water and then we will go to bed.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  When he steps out of the room, I think how this one act of punishment caused him to release all of his anger and disappointment from my actions. Once he was finished he was incredibly sweet. Maybe I need to find a better form of release instead of bottling my emotions inside.

  Alex walks back in with a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin and then hands me both. I sit up to take the medication and then unclasp my necklace and rest it on the nightstand along with the glass of water. Lying back in the bed I turn onto my side to face the alarm clock and make sure it is set for the morning. Being the gentleman he is, Alex waits for me to get comfortable and then he kisses my forehead before stepping out of the room. It is only 10:30pm, but I am exhausted. Closing my lids, I fall asleep quickly and for the first time since meeting Alex, I don’t dream of golden eyes.