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Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Page 9

  Calling out to me Alex says, “I will call you this weekend, Mallory. I hope that you enjoy your night.”

  “I look forward to hearing from you, Mr. Stone. I’ll see you later.”

  Recalling our brief words before falling into slumber, my drive to work is laced with visions of Alex’s secret life.


  My day passes quickly as I spend most of it in the human resources office filling out paperwork and setting up the payroll system. Madison calls me in the afternoon to let me know she is home and buried under a pile of laundry. I excitedly tell her that I will be home around 5:30pm and that we need to go out to celebrate tonight, though I don’t mention what we are celebrating.

  Entering my home at the end of the day, I can hear noises upstairs so I drop off my bag in my living room and then head upstairs to join Madison.

  As I engulf her in a welcoming hug she asks, “Hey Mal, what are celebrating?”

  “Well, it turns out that Steven decided to retire. So I am now Senior Account Executive and Director Mallory Winston.”

  “Oh my gosh! That is fantastic news,” she shouts enthusiastically. “I am so happy for you!”

  “Thanks. How was your conference?” I inquire.

  “Eh, it was as expected. I met a few good looking guys, but overall pretty uneventful.” She pauses, cocks her head at me, and grins. “You look different, Mal. Something happen while I was gone?”

  “No, nothing happened,” I rush out.

  With no intention to disclose my new relationship to her, I decide to stay silent. Madison wouldn’t approve of my decision knowing my heart will be broken by the end of summer, though she unknowingly helped me make my choice.

  “Hm…” she begins and asks, “Since it is your night where do you want to go to dinner?”

  “I was thinking The Cheesecake Factory. Does that sound good?”

  “It sounds fantastic. Is Mika coming?”

  “I don’t know; I haven’t seen her in a while. I’m going to head downstairs to change.”

  “I’ll call her. Did you go shopping without me? I want to borrow those shoes.”

  Glancing down, I see the pink Prada’s I slid onto my feet this morning. Thinking of Alex I realize how much I miss him already.

  Pushing aside the hangers of clothes in my closet, I pull out a cream-colored shift dress. My lingerie is switched out for a nude colored lace bra and panty set before I slide the linen dress over my body. While I stroke mascara through my eyelashes, I hear my phone buzz. Glancing at the screen, I see that I received a message from Alex.

  Alex: I will miss you tonight darling.

  Mallory: I will miss you too. Are you sure you can’t join us?

  Alex: No I can’t. My guest will be here shortly.

  Mallory: Ok see you later.

  I close out the app and slip my feet into the pink Prada’s just as Madison comes barreling through my door. She is adorned in a gray satin mini dress.

  “You look cute, Mal. Mika wants to meet us at a bar later. She says she has had a rough week.”

  “Ok, that sounds good.”

  “Hey, what’s that? When did you get a new phone?”

  “Oh, um, it’s a perk of the new job,” I exclaim too quickly.

  Eyeing me speculatively with a slant in her eyes and a cock of her head she says, “Alright.”

  As we finish our meal at The Cheesecake Factory, Madison and I catch up on the past two weeks.

  “So who is he, Mal?”


  “The guy that has you glowing. You’re in love.”

  “No, I am not.”

  “Yes you are. What’s his name?”

  I stare at my glass and spin the stem between my fingers.

  I whisper, “His name is Alex…I met him a few weeks ago when we went to Lucky 21.”

  “Was he the one in the sexy suit? He had been eyeing you all night.”

  “He was?”

  “Yep. Nicely done, he is a fine specimen.”

  “I was so embarrassed. I didn’t realize he was trying to talk to me.”

  “Why wouldn’t he want to talk to you?”

  “Men never talk to me.”

  She unleashes a loving smile in my direction, pats my hand in a motherly gesture and says, “That’s because you’re beautiful and they are intimidated by you. No one wants to be rejected by the most stunning woman in the room.”

  “Madison, are you crazy?”

  “No, I’m just telling you what the guys say when they talk to Mika and me. We try to tell them that you are sweet and kind, but we can’t seem to convince them. You’re a great wingman for us without even trying,” she says through laughter.

  I toss my napkin at her and reply, “I didn’t realize I was intimidating.”

  “Well none of that matters because you found someone that had the balls to talk to you any way.”

  Releasing a heavy breath I utter, “We’ve only been dating since Monday and I think I’ve already fallen for him.”

  “I’m not surprised. Your mom always used to say that once you fell, you would fall hard and fast.”

  “I was trying so hard not to. It isn’t going to end well for me.”


  Through a sigh, I wrap my arms around myself and I pronounce, “He leaves for England at the end of July. Our affair is only temporary. He says he wants to spend all of his spare time with me up until that point, but when he leaves we will be over.” As a shiver passes over my skin, I can feel a lone tear trail down my face.

  “Oh, Mal. I don’t think he will find it as easy to leave as you’d like to believe he would. But either way, you should enjoy the time you have with him while he is here. I like seeing your eyes alive and happy”

  “Thanks, Madi; you’re right. I’ll just take it one day at a time.”

  Raising the last of her wine to make a toast, I raise mine in unison.

  Madison declares, “To your new job, new love, and new beginning.”


  Making our way down the street to a new bar and grill called Shotti’s Point, Madison unleashes her inquiry.

  “Now that we got that out of the way, how is the sex?”

  “Geez Madi, maybe I don’t want to talk about that,” I exclaim in an embarrassed tone, blush creeping along my chest, neck, and cheeks.

  She stops and stares at me tapping her foot.

  Placating her I say, “Okay Okay. The sex is absolutely amazing. Better than anything anyone has ever described to me.”

  Knowing about my relationship with Derek, Madison asks, “Is he taking care of you, Mal?”

  “Yes, he is. I’m his top priority.”

  “Nice,” she shouts between giggles. “Next time you guys go at it can you record it so I can get off to his voice? I have a thing for accents.”

  My body bursts with laughter and I stumble through the door.

  “Madi, you are too much. I am not recording us having sex so you can listen. That is beyond weird.”

  “Well, just ask. I’d pay him.”

  “Ha, not going to happen.”

  Searching for Mika, we find her surrounded by men at the bar, and settled on top of a barstool. Madison runs up and gives her a giant hug and I follow. We saddle up to the stools on both sides of her and order our drinks. The bar is hosting karaoke tonight and we sing along to most of the tunes.

  Mika leans over towards me asking, “So you’re seeing someone?”

  “How did you know?”

  “Madison mentioned it a few minutes ago. She says he was the one in the suit at Lucky's.”

  I notice a hint of anger in her voice at the mention of me having a boyfriend. Mika was always much closer to Madison, but we have always gotten along.

  Confused by her interrogation I reply, “Yea, that was him. His name is Alex.”

  “Well I’m glad he found someone once I turned him down,” she says with a saucy grin on her face.

  “What?” I ask take
n aback by her words.

  Mika explains, “Yea, when I went to the bathroom he asked if I wanted to come home with him.”

  Internally questioning the truth to her statement I ask, “Why would you tell me this?”

  “I just thought you should know. I don’t want you getting too far ahead of yourself. Men like him are all the same. They say one thing and do another.”

  Knowing Alex has always been honest with me, I try to keep myself from believing her. Taking note of the despair arriving on my face, Mika turns away and heads towards a table of guys to flirt. Mission accomplished, I’m sure.

  Madison moves to the stool Mika vacated and says, “Don’t listen to her, Mallory. She is being a total bitch. I don’t think that really happened with Alex.”

  “What if she is right, Madi? I barely know anything about him. He could be exactly as Mika described.”

  “Mal, you’re a smart woman. You wouldn’t be with him if you thought he would even remotely resemble what she described.”

  “You’re right,” I say grabbing her in a small hug.

  “Hey I’m going to head over to that table of guys and hopefully get a date…or some free booze, come with me.”

  As I shake my head in response she moves along to her conquests.

  The next few hours I watch the karaoke tournament going on and join in a few of the songs. I don’t drink often, so the alcohol passes through me quickly and I can feel myself starting to catch a buzz. Swiveling on my stool, I attempt to catch Madison’s attention, but I don’t see her anywhere. Waiting a few minutes, I ask the bartender if he has seen Madison or Mika, but he says they left about half an hour ago. What the hell? Madison and I walked here, not that I could drive home. Slamming my drink onto the bar I steeple my arms on the bar and rest my head in my heads, taking a few calming breaths.

  Pulling my phone from my purse, I start to browse my list of cab companies when I stop on Gregory’s number. I really want to see Alex and he told me to use his driver if I needed to. Looking down at my watch, I see that it is only 11:30pm. It isn’t too late to call. Hesitating, I press the button to call Gregory and he answers after two rings.

  “Ms. Winston.”

  “I’m sorry, Gregory, I know it is late, but my friends left me at a bar and I don’t have a ride home.”

  “I would be glad to pick you up, Ms. Winston. Where are you located?”

  “I’m at Shotti’s Point.”

  “I will be there in ten minutes, Ms. Winston. Please be waiting for me by the door.”

  Waiting outside as instructed, I see Gregory pull up to the bar ten minutes after ending our call. Right on time.

  “Good evening, Ms. Winston,” he articulates.

  “Gregory, I am sorry to call you so late, I’m sure you were relaxing with your family.”

  “My family is in England for the time I am here, Ms. Winston,” he says as he guides me into the car. “Where am I taking you this evening?”

  “I’d like to go to Mr. Stone’s place, please.”

  “I do not think he is expecting you tonight. I have been informed that he has company.”

  In my rush to find a ride, I hadn’t thought to call Alex. Wouldn’t he want to see me? Unless what Mika said is true and he has a different kind of company he is entertaining.

  Shaking my head from my inner monologue, I say to Gregory, “I cannot go back to my place because I would run into my two best friends whom have so courteously ditched me, again. I don’t have anywhere else to go.”

  Gregory shoots me a sympathetic look in his rear view mirror and drives away from the bar.

  The car pulls up in front of The Braxton and the valet helps me exit. Gregory follows me into the elevator leading to Alex’s penthouse and we ride the car in eerie silence. As the doors to the elevator open, we are greeted with boisterous laughter. Laughter that I determine is Alex’s and another that is female.

  Glancing over to Gregory I ask, “Who is she?”

  “I’m not sure, miss. Mr. Stone does not discuss his guests with me. Besides you, miss.”

  Anger flashes across my face. This emotion mixed with alcohol is not a good combination.

  As I step forward, Gregory grabs my arm and asks, “Are you sure you want to go in there, Ms. Winston? We can go downstairs to my home and you can sleep there. When you have cooled off in the morning you can come back and speak with Mr. Stone.”

  In the background, we hear a female say, “Alex we can’t do that, she’ll know.”

  Pulling my arm from Gregory’s grasp, I stomp towards the family room and kitchen. Shock rocks my system as I turn to see Alex and a beautiful blonde sitting on his couch, leaning into each other. Neither of them notices me as their backs are turned in my direction. I feel very alone at that moment, not just because Gregory hasn’t followed me, but because Alex is seeing someone else. As I am about to step forward to confront the two lovers, a small, bubbly brunette bounces up beside me. I look at her as she says, “Hi!” and then she continues into the room in a whirlwind. Turning my gaze back to the lovers, Alex twists and notices me standing there.

  Startled Alex inquires, “Mallory, what are you doing here? Is everything ok?”

  Glancing from him, to the blonde, and back again, I can vaguely hear him say, “Oh bugger.”

  The brunette that was beside me looks confused and stares at Alex. At his mortified expression, I begin walking briskly towards the elevator holding back tears. Mika was right and I’m an idiot.

  Hoping to make the elevator move faster, I press the down button numerous times. Gregory smartly escaped the madness. Just as the elevator doors open, Alex pulls me back by my arm, but I can’t look at him. I try to pull away, but he cages me against the wall to keep from escaping.

  “Mallory, why are you here? Is everything ok?” he asks as he begins to wipe the tears from my face.

  I shake my head no, as I cannot from a coherent sentence.

  “Sweetheart, I will explain everything to you in a moment. It most certainly isn’t what you think. Now, why are you here?” he asks concerned.

  Gazing into his eyes, I see truth, sincerity, and vulnerability in them. He looks devastated that I am about to leave him. His expression assures me that I have made the wrong assumption. Alex doesn’t share and he wouldn’t expect me to share either. He told me that himself.

  I catch my breath and explain, “They ditched me, again.”

  “Oh, darling. I’m sorry.”

  Warm arms pull me into a tight hug and I let the tears fall feeling safe wrapped in his arms. The electricity is passing back and forth between us and I can hear my heartbeat rise from the contact.

  He pulls back from our embrace and places a sweet kiss on my lips before saying, “Come, I will introduce you.”

  Taking my hand and reassuring me along the way, we walk back into the family room. The brunette has moved into the kitchen while the blonde remains on the couch. Looking down I see that the blonde is very pregnant. Vomit rises in my throat as I start to consider that it is Alex’s baby.

  “Mallory,” Alex says pulling me from my inner torment, “I would like to introduce you to Vanessa. Vanessa is the woman from medical school I mentioned to you. She is here for a conference about genetic testing. Vanessa was unable to bring her husband and son with her this time so I offered to let her stay with me for the evening.”

  Cocking my eyebrow towards Alex, I find it strange that she would be staying with her ex lover and that her husband is okay with this arrangement. Especially when Alex punished me for mentioning a male friend. Assessing the situation, I visibly relax after mentally deciding to trust Alex. At my resolution, I can see Alex unclench his fists and the lines relax on his face. He seems to have been preparing for a fight, maybe to fight for me.

  “Vanessa, Alex has mentioned you. It is a pleasure to meet you,” I say politely.

  “Mallory, I have heard so much about you this evening, I feel as if I know you already. It is a pleasure to meet you as well
. I apologize that Alex hadn’t mentioned I was staying with him. He can have such bad manners and I most certainly can see why you would be upset. I apologize on behalf of him and myself,” she replies sweetly as she shakes my extended hand. Her kind smile eliciting one of my own.

  “Thank you, I am sorry to interrupt your evening.”

  “Don’t be silly, please join us. I’d love to get to know you better.”

  Just as sweet as Alex had described, I am finding it hard to picture her partaking in a BDSM scene. Moments later, the bubbly brunette walks in and sits a drink in front of me and then smacks Alex on the head. He winces at her contact.

  Holding out her hand she says, “Hi, I’m Abigail or Abi for short. I am this bonehead’s wonderful sister.”

  Through a giggle, I shake her hand and reply, “It is nice to meet you, Abi.”

  Alex speaks up, “I didn’t know Abi was coming, she showed up right after you left this morning.”

  He then shuts his mouth quickly as if he hadn’t intended to mention that I have been staying the night.

  “Alex, you’re 30. I know you’re having sleepovers. What I want to know is if you plan on giving me a niece or nephew soon?” she asks without faltering as she cocks and eyebrow in question to her brother.

  Chiming in Alex asks, “Abi, can’t you bother Nicholas about kids? He is already married you know.”

  “Psh, his wife is a snooty bitch and won’t have kids because being pregnant will make her look fat. You’re my only hope.”

  Downing the drink she sat in front of me, I laugh to myself at her statement.

  Sitting on the couch, Abi and Vanessa gossip with each other as Alex drapes an arm around my shoulder pulling me close. We talk about my dinner with Madison and our drinks at Shotti’s Point. He seems very angry at the decisions my friend’s made this evening, telling me he would be crushed if something happened to me.

  After a few minutes, I peek up at Alex and say, “Alex, if you don’t mind, I am beat and would like to head to bed.”

  “Sure, I’ll walk with you,” he says. Turning towards the girls on the couch he adds, “Ladies, I will be right back.”