Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Read online

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  After tossing back my shot, the stools beside me empty out, leaving me alone at the bar. Soon after, I become aware of some squeals gaining volume behind me and I know that my friends have found me. Turning around in my chair, the girls immediately start chatting to me about the group of guys they met on the dance floor. With a glance over her shoulder, Mika looks over to them, waves, and they smirk back. There are three of them and I know her dubious plan.

  I smirk to myself as they each order a long island iced tea from the bartender. I’m going to have to get a cab for them because I can’t carry both of them home. The bartender must notice my inner distress because I see that my kamikaze shot has been refilled. When I look up, she winks in my direction and I sag in relief. I’m glad someone is looking out for me.

  After a few drinks, and with her skills in persuasion, Mika has convinced me to go out to the dance floor. For the next hour, the club quickly becomes crowded and I begin feeling slightly claustrophobic from all the bodies grinding against me. I attempt to tell the girls that I am going to get another drink, but I realize that they aren’t paying any attention to me. They are each wrapped around one of the guys from earlier. How’d that happen? All three of us were dancing together just seconds ago. Frowning to myself, I head back towards the bar and find my stool still unoccupied.

  As I sit down and order another shot and water, I see a group of beautiful women on both sides of me. Men trying to get a number, a dance, or even a glance in their direction, surround them. Typical, I think to myself as I take my shot and play with the straw in my drink. Two men that look barely of drinking age, ask to buy me another shot, but I decline them both. I try to be polite in my rejection, but each one call me a bitch when I tell them I’m not interested. With a sigh, I look down at my drink and zone out, letting my thoughts drift to a tropical island where I meet a handsome man who sweeps me away.

  As my brain comes back to reality, I notice that the stool beside me has been vacated and the woman on the other side is a beautiful red head in a skintight tan bandage dress. When she senses me staring at her she rolls her eyes and laughs and then says something to one of her male companions. They both turn in my direction and chuckle. With a roll of my eyes, I look back down at my drink and wonder if Madison and Mika are still entertaining their new friends on the dance floor.

  Between my moments of imaginary fantasy, I hear someone talking over the music. “Excuse me, miss. Is anyone sitting here?”

  I keep to myself as I assume he is speaking to the beautiful red head or to the bartender. He has a strange accent. Not one I can place as English or Australian.

  “Hello? Miss? May I sit here?” he says again and then touches my shoulder.

  I gasp from the contact as it feels like my shoulder has been set on fire from his tap. The startled motion causes me to knock over my drink onto the bar. The bartender rushes over to clean up the mess while I apologize profusely to her.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you,” the man exclaims while masking a chuckle.

  Looking up at him, I realize he is speaking to me and I immediately gasp. He is, without a doubt, the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. Hair that is thick, dark, and has a bit of wave to it, is styled in a tousled but sophisticated look. His jaw line is chiseled with a straight nose. Eyes of the lightest brown with a hint of gold that looks stunning against his olive skin. And lips that aren’t too thin or full; they fit his face perfectly and are currently set in a sexy, but shy smirk. A bit of stubble graces his chin and that only enhances his godly appearance. The fitted three-piece-suit gives off the air of CEO or celebrity status. The snug tailoring allows me to see his strong, built, and defined body. His gaze upon me causes my body to warm and my nerves to shake. I recognize that he is smirking at me because he caught me checking him out and I haven’t responded to him.

  “You didn’t, um, frighten me. I, uh, just wasn’t paying attention,” I say as turn and try to keep my face down, staring at the bar.

  “Well, do you mind if I sit here, or are you holding it for someone else?”

  “Holding it for someone?” I ask, peeking a glance in his direction.

  “Someone like a boyfriend or a husband?”

  I frown and turn back towards the bar.

  “No husband or boyfriend. Please help yourself. I’m sure she would enjoy your company,” I say with a hint of malice in my voice.

  “Who would?”

  Pointing to the seat beside where he stands I reply, “She would.”

  “Why is that?”

  Like I really need to tell him that, he is beautiful and I know he is biding his time until the redhead is available for conversation. I know that she is more his caliber. With perfect timing, the redhead glances over to our new bar mate and unleashes her seduction skills.

  “Hello, gorgeous. My name is Amber. You can buy me another drink,” the redhead says as she holds out her hand.

  He shakes it but only says hello in return.

  Not completely worn off, she purrs, “Why are you wasting your time chatting with her? I am much more your league.”

  I scoff at her assertion, but also realize she is correct. Ignoring their conversation, I try to grab the bartender to settle my tab, but she tells me it has already been taken care of. Not questioning it and ready to leave, I turn in my stool to say good evening to the man seated next to me, but he seems to be preoccupied with Amber. He is standing inches from her face. Wow, she doesn’t waste any time. Stepping away from the bar, I look around for my friends, but notice they aren’t anywhere within this room. Concerned, I pull my phone out of my handbag and see that I have a text from Mika saying that they went with the boys to a local diner an hour ago. Is it already 1:30am? I must have been lost in my revelries longer than I thought. Goodness that makes me a horrible friend. To think that I was so absorbed in myself, that I didn’t even notice them leave. This realization makes me feel terrible and as I stand pondering their retreat, I realize that I don’t recall them coming to find me either. This understanding causes my fear for them to dissipate and allow anger to set in. They are the ones that asked me to come out tonight and then they left me here.

  In anger, I turn to head towards to the exit of the room, but then the man from earlier jumps away from the bar and grabs my wrist.

  “I’m sorry, that was rude of me,” he says. “I wanted to let Amber know that she needs to learn polite manners. It is not kind to degrade someone to their face, let alone a stranger, especially when she herself is the one of the lower caliber.”

  Shocked at his outburst I ask, “You stood up for me?”

  “Of course, it’s not in my nature to bite my tongue.”

  My arm is starting to burn under his hand. Not from his grip, but from the sensation of his touch. This is such a bizarre reaction my skin is having, but maybe it is because I have been so out of sorts today.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, and as he removes his hand, it instantly feels like ice has been placed there instead.

  Cocking his head to the side he asks, “Are you leaving?”

  “Yes, I am. My friends left with some new male companions, so I’m calling it a night.”

  Once the words leave my mouth, I regret it. He could be a serial killer for all I know. I try to come up with a way to save myself, but I don’t always think well on my feet.

  He replies, “I can take you home later, if you’d like to join me for another drink.”

  “That is kind of you, but no. I need to get home. It has been a long week. It was nice to meet you…”

  “Alex, Alex Stone.”

  “Well, it was a pleasure Alex. Enjoy your night.”

  As he stares at me, stunned to be discarded, I turn to leave. Running up ahead, he stops in front of me.

  “Please? Please stay with me a while longer. I know you don’t know me, but I am captivated by you. Just one more drink.”

  His words are a shock to my system and his sorrowful look melts my heart. I can’t he
lp but agree to his plea and I am in no rush, now that my friends have left me. With a nod of my head, I smile up at him and then he smirks at me and grabs my hand. I swear it is going to melt off from the heat of his touch.

  We walk past the bar opening and head up the stairs to the VIP area. I’m not sure where we are going, because I stare at our fingers intertwined in each other. The butterflies in my stomach are one clue that I am highly attracted to this man. I’ve never felt anything like this.

  During the staring match with my fingers, I don’t notice that Alex has stopped in front of a pocket door and I run into the back of him, colliding into his entire frame. I instantly become entrenched with want as he wraps his arms around my waist to catch me and I can feel the heat pool in my lower belly. This reaction to a man is so completely unfamiliar to me, I worry that I won’t ever feel this way again.

  He looks into my eyes and just smiles, as if he can read my deepest secrets. I think he’s going to kiss me so I lean in slightly, but instead he steps back and removes his hands from my waist. A shiver crosses my skin as his heat leaves my body.

  Opening the door, Alex directs me to sit at a table nestled into the alcove before pressing a button on the wall and taking a seat across from me. Immediately, a server appears at our nook and stares at Alex. I understand her reaction, as he is a sight to be seen. Irritation envelops me as she only asks what he wants to drink and then steps away. The irrational part of me spurs forth and I make a move to leave. The second I go to stand, Alex slams the pocket door shut. Startled and bewildered by his reaction I find that he seems angry as well.

  “I’m sorry she ignored you. That is not appropriate as a server and it will be dealt with,” he speaks with such authority.

  “Really, it isn’t a big deal.”

  His tone softens dramatically when he speaks to me again. “Stay. I don’t even know your name and I’d like to get to know you better.”

  “What difference would it make if you knew me better?”

  “I’m not sure, but you seem to be worth knowing.”

  Hypnotized by his words, I move to sit back in my seat and stare at the table.

  The server returns with Alex’s drink and pretends to stumble while she places it on the table. At her obvious attempt at flirting, I roll my eyes and get up to leave. My small pride can't continue to take any more hits. While she is busy entertaining him, I hope to make a haste exit from the alcove. I walk as fast as I can through the hallway and down the steps that lead to the main entrance, stumbling out the door and into the same bouncer from earlier.

  “You’re Mallory right? Mika’s friend?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I say as I look around quickly to make sure Alex hasn’t follow me out, though I know he isn’t far behind.

  I don’t want him to see which direction I go in or that I am walking home alone.

  “I’m Brian, my girlfriend works with Mika; says she is a handful.”

  Laughing at his statement, “Yes, yes she is. I’m sorry Brian, but I need to leave. It was nice to meet you.”

  “Hey, do you think I can get your number before you head out?” Noticing a confused look on my face, Brian continues, “I’m sorry, it’s so the club can let certain members know when we have VIP nights.”

  “But I’m not a member.”

  “Um. My list here indicates that you, Mika, and Madison are all VIP members for as long as the club is open.”

  “There must be a mistake; we didn’t pay for a membership.”

  “Oh, well, the system says you have one, so I would use it. Can I put your number on record?”

  Still confused, I repeat my number to him anyway.

  “Thanks, Mallory, can I get you a cab?”

  “No thanks, I don’t live far. I’m just going to walk home.”

  “Are you sure?”


  He hesitates and says, “Alright, it was nice to meet you, Mallory. Come back anytime. Have a good night.”

  “You too, Brian.”

  I start walking down the street heading back towards my home, feeling safe alone as there are a handful of people doing the same. When I reach my place, I stand at the top of the stairs leading to the main door of my house and peer down the street towards the bar. Suddenly, a commotion begins outside the front of the bar and I think I see Alex rushing out the door and pushing Brian. Goodness, what is that about? Abruptly, I see Alex jump into a waiting black SUV and veer off in the opposite direction. Confused at everything that has happened tonight, I turn the key to the main door and head inside my home.

  I really wanted to get to know Alex better and I can’t shake this feeling that he is important. In just a brief encounter, he brought about emotions in me that were completely new and foreign. I still feel the heat burning in my lower belly and I know tonight will be a long one.

  As I open the door to my apartment, I begin to peel off my lovely dress. Turning to lock the door, I stand in my foyer donning my lavish lingerie. Leaning against the front door, I close my eyes and picture Alex’s face while I bring my hands towards my chest. I imagine that his hands are massaging and kneading my breasts, while he whispers in my ear that he has never seen anyone as sexy and beautiful as me. My wonton thoughts continue as I let my hands trail down my stomach towards my pelvis.

  The moment I begin to lead my fingers towards my mound, I hear the main door open followed by the laughter of Madison and Mika and two other men. With a grunt, I grab my dress off the floor, head towards the bathroom to wash my face, and get ready for bed.

  Once settled in bed in my beautiful lingerie, I tentatively let my fingers pass across my shoulder and wrist, as the touches from Alex continue to linger on my skin. Lying in my chilled sheets, I close my eyes so that I can visualize Alex’s face again. My vision is so vivid that I can I see his sexy smirk and golden eyes. I can feel this breath tickle my neck. My own hand reaches back to undo my bra and I let the straps slide down my shoulders as I envision his hands trailing along my collarbone, shoulders, and arms. I start to knead my breasts again and pinch my nipples, grasping them so hard that pain and pleasure become one. This form of ache is new to me, but it sets my core on fire.

  I continue to tweak and massage my left breast, while I let my right hand trail down my belly towards my mound. My heart continues to pound in my ears as I think about Alex. The wax I recently received leaves my skin feeling smooth and slick. My panties are soaked through as my fingers glide along the pool of moisture. A man hasn’t gotten me wet without his touch since I was nineteen and I am immediately thankful for my reckless decision to join him at the bar. My vision continues as I picture Alex’s hand trailing fingers through my folds, while he begins to rub my already hardening nub. I am so turned on at this point that I know it won’t take long for me to make myself come. As my breath accelerates, I spend A few more seconds of rubbing my breasts and clit before I explode on my bed. It has been such a long time since I have felt that type of eruption that I find myself smiling and drifting off to sleep.


  Waking the next morning much later than I expected, I have the realization that my body is throbbing. Immediately escaping towards my claw foot tub, I try to erase any remnants of last night.

  After an hour of soaking in my vanilla salt bath and catching up on my e-reader, I step out of my tub and decide to conquer the day. I put on my favorite weekend attire of jeans and a t-shirt and make myself some brunch. As I’m flipping some French toast, I hear a knock on the door and then a key turn in the knob. Madison and Mika come crawling through the door and drag themselves to the couch; both still wearing their clothes from last night.

  I place a plate of French toast and bacon on the counter for both of them and send my evil glare in their direction. They both look up at me and frown.

  Speaking first Madison says, “Mal, I’m sorry we left you last night. We got caught up in the moment.”

  “Yea, you didn’t seem to be into our crowd last night,” Mika chimes i

  “Well, thanks for asking how I felt about the crowd before you made that decision for me,” I say. “Now eat some breakfast before I choose to go back to being mad at you.”

  “Mal, this is sooooo gooood,” Mika says with a mouth full of food.

  Smiling at her, I ask them how their night was.

  “I don’t even remember making it home. I think John and Ryan carried us most of the way,” Madison states.

  I look at them both and sigh. “Girls, you know better than that. I’m not your mom, but we aren’t kids anymore. You can’t get to the point where you don’t remember getting home. That’s what I was there for.”

  Disappointment etches across their faces so I try to lessen the blow by asking if they want to head towards the harbor with me this afternoon to watch the other patrons, but they both decline saying they want to rest.

  After breakfast, Madison washes the dishes while Mika naps on my couch. I text Seth and ask if he wants to go to the harbor, but he is getting ready for a date with Stephanie. Apparently, he decided to take the plunge and she jumped at the chance to go out with him. Stephanie is a nice girl though and I think they would be good together.

  Madison steps into my room as I grab my e-reader and she asks if she can nap on my bed. Giving her the go ahead, I head out the front door and walk towards the harbor. It is quite a few blocks away, but it is a glorious spring day so I don’t mind. Stopping at a park, I decide this is a good resting spot. Locating an area shaded by a tree, I lean against it and begin to read. It’s a story about some billionaire being a number of shades of fucked up. It’s my first trashy novel delving into the realm of BDSM and I have to admit, it is pretty hot. I let myself get wrapped up in to the story and before long, I am feeling that ache again. I wish I had someone to help me release it, but I will have to rely on B.O.B. for that service later today.