Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Read online

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  When I finally pull my head away from my book, I notice that the sun is starting to set. Glancing at the clock on my e-reader, I see that it is 7:30pm. Without moving from this spot, I have spent nine hours engrossed in the story. Who does that?

  On the first of June, I see a group of black-suited men standing at the security desk of my office building causing quite a disturbance because they are blocking the path towards the elevators. Saying, "excuse me" to get by, they all look in my direction as I press the button for the elevator. A strange sense rushes over me and I feel that I have seen them before. Stepping inside the elevator and looking back towards the lobby at the security desk, I can see one of the men talking into his shirtsleeve. How strange. The doors to the elevator close and the car begins to ascend. A shiver crosses my body when I realize where I have seen them before; the night we went to Lucky 21. Maybe someone important was at the club that night. I imagine some governor’s daughter lounging in the VIP area and giggle spurs from my lips, causing the other passengers to shoot dirty stares in my direction.

  The car stops at every interval to let employees off on their level, so I have a few minutes before we reach my office on the 63rd floor. I move towards the right wall of the elevator and close my eyes, picturing the face that has haunted my every thought for the last three weeks. I don’t know why I can’t seem to get his image out of my head. Perhaps he drugged me or hypnotized my mind that night causing my subconscious to be completely focused on him. I snort as I consider those options knowing neither are the case. In reality, I can’t get him out of my head because he is the only person to draw some sort of reaction from my body. My vibrator has been getting a work out these past few weeks because of him haunting my dreams. Suddenly, the jolt of the car from reaching the top floor wakes me from my inner thoughts. As I wait for the other passengers to exit, I swipe at my head noticing the faint glisten of sweat collecting along my hairline. All this anxiety from some dirty thoughts about a man I will never see again.

  As I step out of the elevator, I offer a hello to my assistant Annie, who is in a heated conversation with Stephanie. Passing the front desk, I take notice that Stephanie isn’t looking quite like herself. I hope her and Seth haven’t called it quits already. Shooting a smile and wave in their direction, I continue toward my office.

  Waiting for my computer to boot up I rummage through the files on my desk. I have a few creative designs for a clothing company that I need to go over with my Senior Account Director, but other than that, I don’t have too busy a schedule today.

  Annie walks in and hands me a sticky note about a missed call from earlier. I asked who the caller was and she replied that they didn’t leave a name or a number, but said they would call back later. We gossip for a few minutes about the weekend and then I ask her about Stephanie. She glances around and then tells me that Stephanie won’t say anything specifically, but hinted that she and Seth were having a fight. She prompts me to disclose if I know anything, but I am in the dark as well. Changing gears, we go over our daily calendar and I have Annie schedule a meeting with my Director this morning so we can go over a few creative pieces, then I begin to filter through my emails.

  I stroll into my Director, Steven’s, office at 11:00am. Steven is an older man with a very rotund waist and balding head. He has the jolliest personality and I can’t help but think of him as Santa Claus. We have a great relationship and continuously joke throughout the workday. He starts our conversation by asking me if I’m tied down yet, like that will miraculously happen over a weekend, and then proceeds to try and set me up with his thirty-year-old son. I went on a date with his son once. It was the most boring date I have ever been on, but I try not to hold that against Steven. He just wants his children married and settled.

  This morning we delve into the campaigns that I have designed for a clothing company and he selects one of the examples, which is my choice as well. We go over the rest of the presentation and he asks me if I want to be the one to present it to the company. This is completely unexpected and the opportunity catches me off guard.

  “Steven, you have never asked me to present before.”

  “I know, but I think this will be a good opportunity for you. This piece, you designed it every step of the way. It is completely yours.”

  “Thank you, I would love to present this to them.”

  “That’s great, Mallory. I also wanted to share a bit of undisclosed information with you. My wife and I discussed a few things this past weekend and it looks like I will be retiring from this agency in the next few days.”

  “What? You can’t leave. I don’t want to work for anyone else.”

  Steven laughs. “Mallory, I am years past retirement age with this agency and I have watched you blossom into a wonderful agent. I have enjoyed helping you succeed in your endeavors. I know we have been working together since you came on board seven years ago as first my assistant and then as a Junior Exec, but I think you will very easily fill my shoes.” I must look stricken with emotion because he reaches out for my hand. “Mallory, what I am saying is in the next week they are going to hand my position over to you. It will not be posted to the public or internally for that matter. Annie will move into your current position and we will hire a new assistant for you both. I will stay on for a few months to help guide you through some of the agency’s background pieces, but I think you will catch on quickly.” He pauses and then continues, “So, Mallory, would you like to accept the position?”

  I just stare at him, my boss, whom I have grown to love like a second father. “Are you serious? They are just going to give me your job?”

  “You already do most of the creative work as it is. You don’t ever need my opinion, though I do enjoy reviewing your presentations. It is a job you are already completing, Mallory. I’ve slowly passed down most of my projects to you so that it will be a seamless transition. So yes, we are just handing the job to you, if you want it.”

  “Oh my gosh, I want it, I do! I just don’t want you to go.”

  With a boisterous laugh, he pats me on the back. “Great. I will get started on the paperwork from human resources and by the end of the week, you will be Senior Account Executive and Director Mallory Winston all before your thirtieth birthday. This will be your office so you can begin moving your things in as soon as you’re ready.”

  “Wow, Steven…Thank you. This means so much to me.”

  “I know it does, you will do a fantastic job. Now let’s go tell Annie and maybe you two can go over your current projects.”

  “What about your current projects?”

  “Mallory, you already have them.”

  That thought makes me smile. He is such a wonderful boss. I hope Annie loves working for me as much as I enjoy working for Steven.

  “Oh, Steven, before I forget, did you see the group of men at the security desk this morning?”

  “I did, I believe they are upgrading the building’s security features. Maybe some of the big wigs were harassed outside of the office, I’m not sure. But extra security can never hurt.”

  “Well, that makes sense. All right, let’s go spread around the joy. And, Steven, thank you again, for everything.”

  With a wide smile, he ushers me out the door towards Annie’s cubicle. We ask her to join us in my office and she enters hesitantly as if she is about to have a heart attack. I laugh to myself at the grief stricken look on her face. Once we sit down at my desk, we tell her the good news. She bounces out of her chair and hugs me. She has had a spectacular year, first with her engagement and now with a new position. As she thanks us an infinite amount of times I remember how exhilarating it felt to be in her exact position six years ago. I teasingly ask her to calm down and to go call her fiancé to inform him of the great news. Steven leaves the office, following behind Annie, and reminds me again to start moving my things into his old and my new office.

  Staring at the wall in my soon-to-be old office, I can’t help but be overjoyed with the incredible
year I’m having.


  The elevator deposits me on one of the lower floors as I plan to meet Seth for lunch and tell him my good news. After excitedly telling him about my morning, he gives me a hug as he steps away from the table. I trim my lunch hour short so that I can run to the florist shop across the street. I want to place some flowers on the coffee table in my new office.

  As I browse the flower shop, I spot my favorite calla lilies in an exquisite shade of purple placed in one of the window settings and I immediately ask the employee to ring them up. As I cross the street, I notice a dark head of hair and broad shoulders a few yards ahead of me and I instantly think of Alex. This stranger looks remarkably like him. I slow my pace on the sidewalk as to not frighten any of the passersby. My pulse starts to quicken and my heart beats faster as if I am running a marathon. I am saved from embarrassment when he continues to walk past my building so that I may duck inside the door quickly and make my way to the elevators, collapsing against the wall.

  Once the car stops on my floor, I begin collecting my emotions. Glancing in her direction, I head towards Stephanie, but she grunts at me when I ask how she spent her weekend. Confused at her dismissal, I continue to walk towards my new office adding more pep in my step.

  Stopping at the doorway, I push on the handle and the door opens to a beautiful corner office overlooking the street. Straight ahead of me is a deep mahogany desk that could easily fit four people. To the right are a love seat, coffee table, and two wingback chairs. They are perpendicular to the window and overlook the ground below. To the left of my desk is a small conference table that will sit eight people. Placing my flowers onto the coffee table, I glance out the window and I see a few black town cars pull up towards the entrance of the building. Steven mentioned the new security and I consider the possibility that the people in the cars are the reason for the upgrades. With a shrug of my shoulders, I walk over to my desk and begin to unload the files Annie brought in while I was at lunch.

  About an hour into placing my files inside the filing cabinet, I receive a buzz from Stephanie.

  “Ms. Winston, you have a visitor.”

  “I don’t have anyone scheduled. Did they give a name?”

  “No, Ms. Winston, security called up. However, this guest seems like he is urgent to see you. Maybe it is important. It could be about your new job.”

  “Oh, you are probably right. Please send them my way. I’m in Steven’s old office. Thanks, Stephanie.”

  “You’re welcome. Oh and congratulations, Mallory,” she says, her voice holding a hint of resentment.

  Shuffling through my files again, I completely lose myself into the sorting project.

  “Good afternoon, Mallory.”

  Startled by the voice, I look up towards the door to see the man that has been frequenting my thoughts. Alex stands in the doorway greeting me with a dazzling smile and I am taken aback by how striking he truly is. My dreams haven’t been doing him justice.

  “Ms. Mallory Winston. You have been a very difficult person to track down since you ran from me at the club and left me no name. I was able to bribe the owner of Lucky 21 to give me your information.” He pauses and glares at me, not offering an opportunity to interrupt. “You see, Mallory, I have found myself in a dilemma. My problem being that I can’t seem to get you out of my head. I envision your face everywhere I turn. So I have something I need to discuss with you, but first, I have a very pressing matter that you need to address.” As I catch my breath and cock my head to the side slightly, he continues, “Why did you leave me that night?”

  Minutes pass as he stares into my eyes waiting for my response, anger and desire crossing through them. Realizing that I haven’t answered his question, I respond with traces of vulnerability lacing through my tone.

  “You, um, seemed more interested in the waitress than me, so I left,” I whisper while looking down at my desk.

  “Interesting,” he says while tapping the tip of his long finer on the stubble of his chin.“I apologize for her behavior. I was not interested in what she was offering. And she didn’t seem to take the hint either.” Allowing his words to seep into my head Alex takes a dramatic pause. Continuing to speak, he lets his voice purr like velvet across my skin.“I am sorry that we have lost all of this time due to a small misunderstanding.”

  With a deep sigh, I look up at him and gaze at his masterpiece of a face. His eyes show profound sincerity and he truly appears remorseful for the server’s actions. Sensing my forgiveness, Alex promptly shuts the door behind him and walks forward.

  “Your receptionist mentioned that you received a promotion today. I want to take you out to celebrate.”

  His accent makes my stomach flutter while the demand in his voice causes goose bumps to grace my skin.

  “You would?” I stammer out.

  “Yes I would,” he says as he gently rubs his thumb across his lower lip, hints of desire in his eyes. "I will have my driver Gregory pick you up at 7:00pm this evening. I have your address.”

  Continuing to walk around my desk, he stops and stands in front of my chair. Using the armrest, he turns the chair so that I am facing in his direction. The passing of electricity between our bodies causes the air to crackle around us. The long fingers I previously admired now stroke down my forearms until his hands meet mine. He tugs at them so that I stand directly in front of where he is positioned. Too stunned to react, I stare into his magnificently golden eyes as his finger reaches up to trace along my collarbone.

  “Ms. Winston, I feel that since meeting you, I have not properly existed these past three weeks. I don’t enjoy feeling this out of control within my world.”

  Trying to steady my voice, I lick my lips and weakly speak.“I have a confession to make, Alex.”

  “Oh yes? And what would that be?” he says as he continues to trace my collarbone.

  “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you either. You haunt my dreams.”

  Alex begins to lean in closer to my body. “That is good news, Mallory, as I have dreamt about you as well. But we will have to delve into my dreams later as those will require little to no clothing,” he whispers into my ear.

  As his words tickle across my ear and neck, my breath becomes shallow and my heartbeat accelerates. I hope he can’t tell how he affects me. Slowly, as if asking me to deny him, Alex reaches his hand behind my head and grips my hair, while his other hand winds around my waist. His nose traces along my jaw line and I am frozen in this spot.

  “Mallory,” he whispers.

  Tilting my head in his direction, he seals his lips over mine and I can feel the craving in his kiss spread throughout my entire body. He places small pecks on the corners of my mouth and lips and then he tilts my head back using his grasp on my hair and brushes his tongue against mine. What starts as a slow, sweet kiss turns heated very rapidly. With my body taking over, I reach my arms around Alex’s neck and pull him closer so that I can feel him pressed against my frame. Resuming his control over the kiss, Alex grabs my left leg and hitches it around his hip. The same hand sweeps over towards my behind and tightens its hold. A gasp escapes from my throat and I move my mouth away from his. He begins to place kisses along my neck and jaw line. Tilting my head back as I slowly rock my hips back and forth, I can’t help but think that this is the most amazing kiss I have ever experienced.

  An echoing shrill bounces along my office walls and I know our moment is broken. I jump away from Alex’s arms and answer the page from Stephanie.

  “Ms. Winston, Seth wants to know if you want to go out to celebrate tonight.”

  With a glance back at Alex, I see he has a grimace placed over his perfect mouth.

  Smiling as I respond to Stephanie, I speak sweetly into the intercom, “No, thank you, Stephanie. Please tell him I have plans.”

  Alex speaks up, “So you will come with me tonight?” sounding like a child filled with excitement.

  “Yes, I would love to join you.” />
  The childlike smile turns into a very sexy smirk as he says, “I will see you at 7:00pm. We have much to confer. And Mallory...”


  “You should wear this dress tonight. I am intrigued by the opportunities it may offer me,” he whispers into my ear as he reaches for me again.

  My body shivers at his seductive words as he turns to leave. When the door opens, he turns his head in my directions and winks.

  Immediately following Alex’s exit, Annie comes barreling into my office.

  “O. M. G., Mallory! Who was that? Is he a model or something? He was the most beautiful man I have ever seen,” she inquires as she continues to stare at his retreating behind moving down the hall towards the elevators.

  I smile at her description because I feel that same way. “His name is Alex; I met him a few weeks ago. He asked me to dinner tonight.”

  “Get out of here, Mallory! Run to Vegas and marry that good looking piece of meat tonight!”Annie exclaims as she rapidly fans her face with a file folder taken from my desk.

  As we both burst into laughter, I ask her to help me file my stack of designs. Before we realize it is 5:30pm and time to head home.

  Entering the main room of our house, I glance up the staircase. Madison left yesterday for a business conference in Texas so she won’t be home for a couple weeks. Mika, I am sure, is working late again. So I feel a bit disappointed that I have no one to share my good news. Grabbing my phone from my bag, I decide to call my parents to share my promotion with them.

  “Hi sweetheart, how was your day?”

  “Mom, I had a fantastic day. I got a promotion at work.”

  “That’s splendid news honey. What will you be doing?”