Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Read online

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  Standing in my bathroom, I shrug out of the dress and lingerie. In the mirror, I stare at myself and ponder what Alex sees in me. What makes him think that I am different from any other woman he has met? I cock my head to the side and squint my eyes in the mirror looking for something, anything, to help me make this decision.

  That night I find myself again staring back at golden eyes that carry the spirit of my soul with them.


  The next morning I have more energy than normal; certain that with my tossing and turning I would be exhausted today. After throwing on some black fitted pants, a pink silk button down blouse, and nude sandals I grab my bag and head out the door. Left with enough time to stop by the coffee shop across the street from my office, and since I normally don’t make this stop, I decide to pick up three more coffees for Steven, Annie, and Stephanie.

  Stepping into the lobby holding the drinks, I notice that there are at least four more security guards added to the staff. As I continue onto the open elevator, their heads all pop up as I pass and one of them speaks into his shirtsleeve. Strange, I think to myself. Making my way to my office, I see that Stephanie is on the phone at her reception desk so I place the drink onto her counter. Rewarded with a huge grin I continue on, glad that she seems to be having a better day than yesterday. Outside of another director’s office I find Steven and I pass off his drink into his waiting hands. Annie steps into my office a few minutes later saying that she was up all night finalizing the guest list and has already had three cups this morning, but is in dire need of another. Filling me in on her evening, she discloses that her and her fiancé decided to get married August 1, two months away. Maybe Alex will still be here and we can go together, even as friends.

  “Hey, Annie. Can I bring a date to the wedding?”

  “Definitely, I had you down for a plus one. Who are you going to bring? Please say that hunk of man who was here yesterday.”

  “Maybe. We went out last night and had a great time, but he is pretty busy, so we will see how it goes.”

  “OOOHH, you will have to fill me in later. Steven needs me to go make some copies real quick. I know he wants to go over the HR forms with you as well.”

  “Ok, thanks.”

  Once Annie leaves my office, I shoot a text to Madison. She is the only person I know that you can ask any question and she won’t fish for details. She won’t sugar coat her response either.

  Mallory: If you were given 2 months to do something crazy and exciting, but may lose

  yourself in the experience, would you?

  Madison: How would I lose myself?

  Mallory: You would look at aspects of your life differently. Things that made you happy

  before, may not again. But you would have this moment in your memory forever and that

  moment made you happy.

  Madison: Hm…. I’d go for it. Everyone should want me to be happy anyway.

  Mallory: Thank you.

  Madison: Something I should know about?

  Mallory: Nope

  Madison: All right. I miss you girl. We need to go out when I get back.

  Mallory: Yes, we do. We need to celebrate, I’ll tell you about it when you get home. Love

  you Madi.

  Madison: Love you 2 Mal.

  A knock on my office door breaks me of my inner turmoil.

  “Steven, you don’t need to knock, this is still your office. Your name is on the door.”

  “Not for long, they are changing it out on Friday.”

  “Wow, so soon?”

  “It’s not soon, I wanted it done yesterday,” he chuckles. “Now about these HR forms. We just need to go over your change in benefits, pay grade, and security access.”

  “I didn’t think about any of that yesterday.”

  “I didn’t want to overwhelm you. Anyway, let’s get started.”

  We read through, fill out the new benefits form, and sign for my new security access card. Steven shows me how to log into payroll for Annie and the new assistant when he starts tomorrow. Apparently, one of the other executive's son will be my assistant.

  “Thank you, Steven, for everything.”

  “No need to thank me, but you are certainly welcome. I have a few meetings this afternoon and I would like for you to join me so we can do some formal introductions.”

  “Sure, just grab me when you’re ready.”

  The morning passes as I complete my task of sorting old design files. With a few free minutes, I reach into my purse and fiddle with the business card Alex handed me yesterday evening. I know what I want to do, but I am not sure if that is what I should do. Fear inhabits my heart as I am afraid to lose myself in Alex’s possession, but I don’t want to regret my decision to tell him no. Instantly I listen to my heart, make my final decision, and dial the number on the card. There is no answer and the call goes straight to voicemail. With a deep breath and shaky voice, I leave a message for Gregory to share with Alex.

  For the first time in seven years, I eat lunch alone. I'm sure that Seth went to lunch earlier with Stephanie. After finishing my sandwich, I head back upstairs to my office where Steven finds me minutes later and ushers us into a large conference room for my introduction to the rest of the senior staff. Most of the Directors and Vice Presidents I have met throughout the years and send me a welcome smile. The CEO asks for an update on my current campaigns and I explain my designs and current clients, seeming to impress everyone with my workload. Steven assures them that I know these projects better than anyone else does and that I would present the clothing campaign to the client tomorrow.

  As I head back to my office to prepare some documents for the other directors, I find that it is already 5:00pm and I haven’t received any messages. With a reluctant grab of my purse, I stroll towards the elevators where Steven joins me and we ride down to the lobby discussing what he is going to do during his retirement.

  Saying goodbye to Steven, I head towards my car and notice a bright red convertible double-parked in front of my Mini Cooper. As I try to figure out whose car this is, I don’t notice the man standing on the other side of my Mini Cooper holding deep purple calla lilies.

  “Good evening, Ms. Winston.”

  At the sound of a stranger’s voice, I scream placing my hand over my heart.

  “Geez, Alex, you scared the crap out of me,” I say while catching my breath. “Are those flowers for me?”

  “Yes, they are,” he says with a small smirk as he lets his gaze travel up and down my body.

  “They’re beautiful.”

  “Not nearly as beautiful as you,” he says as he moves around the car to stand in front of me.

  “How did you know that they were my favorite flower?”

  “I didn’t. I took a guess since they were on your office coffee table yesterday. I am glad I assumed correctly.”

  “Did Gregory give you my message?”

  Leaning down he places a sweet kiss on my lips.

  “Yes, yes he did. Are you ready to go? We can take my car and Gregory can drive yours.”

  “Gregory is here?” I say while glancing around. “Why can’t I follow you?”

  “Yes he is. He stepped into the lobby momentarily, but should be out shortly. And I want you in the car with me, Mallory.”

  I smirk and reply, “And so it begins.”

  He guides his hand across my cheek, lingering on my jaw line, and then leans down and says, “Sweetheart, you have no idea,” he breathes out.

  Gracing me with a heart-stopping kiss, coughing in the background startles us both from our moment. Turning, we find Gregory standing a few feet from where we are and heat rushes across my cheeks in embarrassment. With a quick hello and wave, I hand him the keys to my vehicle and I walk over the sports car. I hope he's able to fit in my pint sized vehicle. Alex ushers me into the car and then moves to his side, gliding elegantly into the driver’s seat.

  “What kind of car is this?” I ask.

  “This, swe
et girl, is a Jaguar F-type. She was a thirtieth birthday present from my parents.”

  “When was your birthday?”

  “Three weeks ago. The night we met.”

  “Oh, I had no idea!”

  With a small shrug of his shoulders and toss of his hand Alex replies, “It is not a problem, meeting you was the best present I could have asked for.”

  Reaching over to grab my hand, he places a gentle kiss on my knuckles.

  Answering my unspoken thought, Alex says, “We are going someplace special so that we can answer one of your questions.”

  “Which question?”

  “You will be pleased with the answer, Mallory. Believe that.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Alex turns his head quickly in my direction and inhales rapidly.

  “Oh baby, you don’t know what you do to me when you say that,” he responds with a sexy grin.

  I answer his smile with a smirk of my own.

  We glide onto the highway and hum of the car puts me at ease. Whipping in and out of traffic gracefully, he pulls off the highway and enters an area I have never ventured to before. Parking the car, he leads me towards a store across the street.

  “A jewelry store?" I question.

  “I have ordered our item prior to today, but we can still browse. You look most beautiful when you are excited.” Turning in his direction with a large grin on my face, I grasp him in a giant hug.

  “Thank you,” I whisper into his chest, holding back the unannounced tears that threaten to fall at my joy.

  The welcoming staff greets us as we walk into the store. One employee acknowledges Alex directly and then they step away to the back of the store to retrieve the item. Strolling along the lit-up glass containers, I am mesmerized by all of the diamond engagement rings. A two and a half carat, round, brilliant stone with a white gold band has caught my attention and I am halted in place. It is simple and classic and by far the most exquisite ring I have ever seen.

  “Find anything you like?” Alex says in a humorous tone.

  When I glance up, I am met with a smirk and a wink.

  Pointing to the ring I was admiring I say, “I may buy that for myself one day, just to look at on my hand.”

  “You are a funny girl, Ms. Winston. Let’s go home.”

  Thanking the staff, we head back towards the car.

  “Were you able to get what you came for, Alex?”

  “I believe so,” he states with a secretive smile on his lips.

  As we head out on the highway, Alex glances at me.

  “Mallory, I hope I am not being presumptuous, but I would like you to stay with me this evening and every other evening until I leave.”

  Shaking my head slightly, I can’t help but wipe my now clammy hands on my legs. Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves I turn in Alex’s direction and lick my lips before saying, “I’d like to stay tonight. Other than celebrating with the girls next weekend and picking a time to visit my family, I can stay every night.”

  “That pleases me, Ms. Winston. Perhaps if things are going well I can join you when you visit your family,” Alex responds with a quick glance in my direction and a coolness in his voice that does little to calm my nerves causing me to focus on a small piece of his statement.

  I begin to hyperventilate at that notion. “Why would things not go well?”

  “Calm down, Mallory. We don’t have a signed contract with terms and a stated timeframe. If you are unhappy or want out of our arrangement, I will let you go. That’s all.”

  My attachment to Alex is already reaching an alarming state and I can’t imagine being without him, yet I know next to nothing about him. We are only having a short-term affair so I shouldn’t be surprised that Alex would have no difficulty letting me go. Sensing my unease, Alex grabs my hand and squeezes before letting go to down shift the car.

  Turning off the interstate, we stop at a few lights before coming to a halt. I tentatively glance out the window to see we are in front of The Braxton building. Holy shit, I think to myself. A valet comes around to guide me out of the vehicle, while a second valet retrieves the keys from Alex.

  Taking my hand in his own and clasping the jewelry bag in the other, Alex guides me towards the wall of elevators inside the lobby. Releasing my hold temporarily, he takes out a key and selects an elevator that, he says, will lead to his penthouse. The elevator pings to his floor and we step out into a small vestibule to face two double doors on the right. Opening the door, Alex guides me inside and on a tour of his home. He says he shares it with his family when they visit, but that he owns the property. To the left of the foyer is a guest room decorated in an array of blues. Heading to the main living room and dining room, I admire the color of the walls, which are a soft brown, similar to the color of his eyes. The wood trim around the room has been painted white, while all of the furniture is a dark, rich hue with accents of green and blue placed throughout. We walk through the dining room into to the family room, which has a large gray sectional facing an enormous television, light gray walls, and artwork with pops of bright colors. Across the family room stands the kitchen with dark wood, light gray counter tops, and stainless steel appliances. I find that Alex’s style is very masculine but clean and modern. Stepping through another door off the kitchen, we walk back through the foyer. Alex points down the hall, says there is a butler’s pantry at the end, and then points to my left showing a guest bedroom of yellows and whites. To the right there is a powder room and a media room. Stopping at a set of double doors Alex leads me inside and I am in shock at the size of this bedroom. Walking to the left down a small hall, I find an oversized bed in silver tones against walls of dark purple. Off the bedroom is a sitting area with a small library and a bathroom that is much larger than my bedroom. There is a gigantic built-in tub as well as a large walk-in shower. Continuing my hunt, I ignore a locked door in the hallway and head towards the balcony off the master suite.

  The sun is beginning to turn the heavens into a mirage of brilliant pinks and purples across the night sky. I find Alex perched against the railing, waiting for me with open arms. Rushing into his hold, I rest my cheek against his chest as he softly strokes my back.

  “I ordered dinner from the concierge when we arrived. It should be here shortly. I hope salmon will suffice for the evening.”

  “It will thank you. I would love to cook for you one evening. I enjoy cooking, but it is hard when it’s only for one person.”

  Smiling at my offer Alex says, “I would like that. I have something for you.”

  Holding a blue box out for me, I step back from his grasp and open the package. Inside is a classic heart tag necklace. Gazing at the simplistic beauty of the necklace, I am in shock to receive such a remarkable gift. Looking closer I notice next to the traditional heart charm is another heart. This one is open and made of diamonds. As my fingers glide across the stones, Alex acknowledges my fascination.

  “I am assured by the jeweler that this open heart charm can withstand a weight of 100lbs, as can the chain.” A horrified expression must cross my face because he quickly clears up his statement. “Not that it would be necessary, but you may enjoy a little leash play. We can discuss that when the time comes.”

  Nodding my head I reply, “Thank you, Alex. It is beautiful.”

  “A beautiful necklace for a beautiful woman. This will be your collar, Mallory. It will be inconspicuous and no one will know what it stands for, but every time you glance at it you will think of me and what I can do to you and you to me.” He takes the necklace out of the box and clasps it around my neck, letting his fingers linger along my neckline for a few extra seconds. “Come, dinner should be here,” he says.

  Stepping back into the house we move to the dining room. Placed on the table are two trays of food and a chilled bottle of champagne. Pulling out a chair for me, Alex busies himself pouring each of us a glass of wine and arranging our dinner plates, before sitting down himself. Raising his glass Alex makes a to

  “To new beginnings and arrangements.”

  Joining into his toast, I raise my glass and try to stifle any looks of apprehension. Not quite sure what I am expected to do, I wait for Alex to begin eating, and then I dive in. The salmon has a cinnamon glaze on it, as do the carrots, and they are both mouth watering.

  “Ms. Winston, you seem out of sorts,” Alex says taking note of my quietness.

  Wanting to aim for honesty I twirl a my wine glass stem between my fingers as I tell Alex, “I’m sorry sir; I am just a bit nervous.”

  Setting down his utensils Alex looks into my eyes. “You are doing a splendid job already in regards to waiting for me to prompt you to your actions.”

  “That’s not why I’m apprehensive. I’m, uh, nervous about the sexual side of our relationship. I mean, I’m not naive; I know what this relationship entails. It’s just that I have only had sex with one person and that was only a couple of times. He was disappointed in me and dumped me because of it.”

  “I see,” pausing, and then continuing, “Ms. Winston, you and I both know that a well orchestrated performance relies on players from all sides. If he believed your performance was lacking then he is just as much, if not more, to blame than you are. If he knew you were inexperienced, he should have guided you like a conductor. I believe that we will make beautiful music together. We have a very heated connection to the point where I find it difficult to keep my hands off you. Wouldn’t you agree, Ms. Winston?”

  “Yes, sir,” I reply, trying to control the blush that I feel creeping up my face.

  “I’m glad we have the same opinion. Now I will ease you into all of our sexual endeavors. We will not begin at a starting point beyond your current boundaries. With that being said, all this talk about performance has me itching to taste you,” he says as his tongue peeks outside his mouth and he licks his lips causing a burst of desire to pool in my belly. “I would like you to go into the master bedroom, take off all of your clothes only leaving your undergarments, and stand beside the foot of the bed.”