Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Read online

Page 4

  “Well, Steven is retiring so they are giving me his position. No interview or anything. I will be Senior Account Executive and Director Mallory Winston.”

  “Baby, I am so happy for you. How are you celebrating with the girls this evening?”

  I decide not to mention my date with Alex. My mom is itching for grandkids and since I am the oldest, she has been hounding me to get married.

  “I will probably wait to celebrate when Madison gets back from her round of conventions in two weeks. So tonight it will just be me, a glass of wine, and some trashy TV.”

  “Well, there is nothing wrong with a night like that,” she says through her laughter. “Mallory, I need to go check on dinner. I will pass along your good news to the rest of the family. Congratulations. We love you.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I love you all too.”

  As I hang-up and release a sigh. I miss them. Richmond isn’t too far away; I need to plan a visit soon.

  After ending my call, I glance down at my watch and notice that it is already 6:15pm. Realizing that there isn’t a lot of time to get ready I stumble into the bathroom and take a shower making sure to buff and shave every inch of my body. As I let my curling iron heat up, I blow dry my hair and then walk into my bedroom to decide what to wear. Alex seems like the domineering type and he told me to wear my wrap dress this evening, but I want to wear something that I haven’t sat in all day. There was no mention of where we were going so I’m not sure what to choose. Sifting through my closet, I pull out one of my special event dresses. The dark purple strapless dress glides over my body with the hem landing just above my knees. Forging through the bottom of my closet, I find some cute black heeled sandals to finish off my outfit. Back in the bathroom, I attempt to curl my hair into waves and apply some makeup. My smoky eye attempt is a disaster so I clean my face and apply some mascara to give myself a more natural look. At 7:00pm on the dot, the main entrance doorbell rings, starting my heart in a gallop. Taking deep breaths, I grab a black quarter length sweater and head out the door to meet Alex’s driver, Gregory.

  Waiting at my door is a very tall and large man, in his late thirties, with very kind blue eyes. As he introduces himself as Alex’s driver and head of security, I ask him why Alex needs a head of security. With a boisterous chuckle, he ignores my questions and escorts me to the back of a waiting town car and he steps into the driver’s seat. The trip is taken in silence, as I don’t trust my nerves enough to ask hundreds of questions regarding my date. In an attempt to relax, I glare out the window and notice we are on Light Street, which is only a couple blocks from the inner harbor area. Abruptly, the car turns onto an adjacent street and stops in front of an expensive steakhouse.

  As Gregory assists me in exiting the car, the valet ushers me to the door of the restaurant and the host immediately guides me to a private room off the main dining area. She moves aside to let me enter the room and I see Alex standing beside an empty chair beckoning me forward. A dark gray suit with a dark purple silk tie and pocket square adorns his frame. The suit and accessories must have been chosen to match my dress from earlier. I’m secretly glad that I chose the same color palate when I changed. With a released breath, I take a tentative step towards the chair and attempt to sit down.

  Pushing my chair towards the table Alex whispers in my ear, “You look delectable this evening, though I am a tad disappointed you aren’t wearing your wrap dress. I had visions of untying it later.”

  Reaching around to take off my sweater with shaking hands, I gasp as Alex’s hand brushes across my bare skin. Our touch has not only affected me, but I can hear Alex’s breath hitch when his fingertips trace along my shoulder.

  He leans down to speak again, his warm breath whispering across my ear, “I cannot say I am saddened by your alternative choice of attire for the evening. This dress has wonderful possibilities as well.”

  The waiter steps forward to pour our water as Alex moves around the table to sit in his chair.

  “Mallory, I took the liberty of ordering for us this evening.”

  “Thank you. I’ve never eaten here before, it seems quite extravagant.”

  “You will enjoy it,” Alex says and then continues, “I want to apologize for my actions at your office earlier today. I do not normally lose control in that manner, but I was drawn to you in that instant.”

  A deep shade of blush dances across my cheeks in remembrance of earlier.

  “That’s ok, Alex. I enjoyed it,” I whisper as he nods in understanding and shifts in his chair, obviously adjusting himself.

  Our wine and meal arrive and we begin to exchange your typical first date banter. Alex has an older brother and a younger sister, Nicholas and Abigail. He studied medicine at Oxford University and he is here volunteering his time at a local institute. I asked him where his accent came from and he said he was born and bred in the English countryside. It was a bit strange that he wouldn’t divulge what his parents or siblings do for a living, but I wasn’t disheartened.

  With a sexy smirk gliding along Alex’s lips, he inquires about my family with great interest. I explain to him that my parents gave birth to me at the age of twenty after being married only a year and that we have a very close relationship. At age nineteen, my twin brothers are ten years younger than I am and they are both currently enrolled at Virginia Polytechnic Institute to study architecture. The discussion of families makes me miss my own and the saddened look on my face pulls the attention of Alex.

  “Mallory, is something wrong? Is the food not to your liking?”

  “Oh no, Alex, the food is wonderful. I have never had a meal this mouth watering," I say shaking my head quickly. "Just all this talk about family is making me miss my own.”

  “I understand. I have been here for only a month and I miss my family as well. It was different when I was at University. Now that I choose to be on my own, I miss them more.”

  As we finish dinner, he grabs the waiter’s attention and orders us dessert. Chocolate cake for him and crème brulé for me.

  “You don’t look like someone that indulges in chocolate cake often,” I say to Alex, skimming my eyes across his muscular chest.

  “I have quite the sweet tooth and we are celebrating. Of course, I will have to devote extra time at the gym for this luxury.”

  At my answering giggle, a huge grin spreads across his face and I could stare at his perfect smile for days.

  “Was there something else you wanted to discuss this evening? I remember you mentioning something in my office.”

  “Yes I did and I still do, but we have barely started our night. We will discuss more later.”


  “Patience, Ms. Winston.”

  We exit the restaurant and I slide into the town car as Gregory holds the door for both Alex and me. As the car begins to moves, Alex trails his fingers up and down my elbow to my wrist so softly it feels like a feather. I wonder if he can hear my heartbeat speeding up. The car stops suddenly and I glance outside to see we are stopped in front of the science museum. One of my brows arch as I look toward Alex in a confused manner and he shakes his head. As he helps me to exit the car, our fingers intertwine around clasped hands and he pulls me toward the planetarium. Walking though the entrance, I observe that there aren’t any other patrons. A guide shows us to our seats toward the back of the stadium and then the show promptly begins. As a narrator points out the constellations in the night sky, I sit mesmerized by the vision before me.

  “This is breathtaking,” I whisper to Alex.

  “Yes, it is," his voice slightly deeper than earlier.

  Sensing his gaze on me, I turn my face in his direction. With the heated blush creeping across my cheeks again, I am thankful for the darkness of the room. Grabbing my hand, Alex rubs small circles onto my wrist in a seemingly nervous gesture.

  “Mallory, I want to discuss something with you.”

  “Uh, Ok?”

  “I will only be here until the end of July and th
en I must head back to England for some business regarding my family.”

  “Oh,” I respond letting the disappointment seep into my voice.

  “Do not be upset my lovely; I want to spend every remaining second I have here, in your company.”

  “Oh,” I say trying to sound more excited but instead it comes out sounding a bit husky.

  The circle he is rubbing onto my wrist is sending sparks in a straight line towards my pelvis.

  “I want you, Mallory, all of you, for the next sixty days. I want you to be at my disposal. I want you to give yourself over to me, body and mind, so that I have complete control over you. I can guarantee that you will never have experienced such pleasure. We have an overwhelming connection. I know you can feel it, Mallory. What I’d like more than anything, is for you to give me a chance to explore it.”

  His words cause me to think back to the BDSM novel I have been reading.

  “How? Will I have to sign a contract with limits and safe words? Will you hurt me?”

  “No, of course not, Mallory. I would never hurt you,” he rushes and rubs his hand across the back of his neck before taking a deep breath continuing, “I have never done this formally so forgive me for not explaining this properly. We will only need a contract if you feel you need one, but I’m here for only a short time. I will gladly have my lawyer draw one up if you find it is necessary. We don’t need to focus on explaining our limits now; we can discuss them during certain scenes. I can tell you are inexperienced by the way you react to my touch, so please trust me enough to know that I won’t cross any lines. I will push your limits, but I will never step beyond what I believe you can handle. We can have a safe word of your choosing; though I hope we would not ever need to use one. Mallory, I have never wanted to explore this world with anyone beyond those that have already been enlightened.”

  “So, you want me to submit to you? Call you sir or master? Wear a collar? Do everything you say? I’m not sure I can do that. I mean, I’m used to doing what is expected of me, but I don’t think this is the same thing.”

  “You can call it what you want, Mallory, whether it be a relationship or domination/submission. I would prefer you call me sir, not master, as that is what I am accustomed to in my life. As far as a collar, you will need to wear something that shows that you belong to me," he says as he strokes his knuckles softly across my cheek."I have something in mind that I think you will be pleased with if you accept my terms. Also, you will only need to follow my commands when we are together. At your work place and alone with your friends you are free to act how you desire. And remember, Mallory, I can only do what you allow. You will always have power over me, my dear,” Alex concludes with a gentle smile across his mouth and eyes. Without hesitation, I take a deep breath and make a request. “I would like some time to think about it. May I ask a question or two?”

  “Of course.”

  “How many others have you had this lifestyle with?”

  “Not as many as you would think. I would only consider two an actual relationship. One when I first began and realized I thrived on control. That relationship lasted through my undergraduate term. And then there was a second affair that lasted while I went through Medical School.”

  “Why did they end?”

  “They both met someone that fulfilled them more than I could. They are both happily married and one is expecting their second child. I am very pleased for them both.”

  As a sigh of relief escapes from my lips I purge forth, “What made you seek control like this?”

  Visibly clenching his jaw to hold back his anger, Alex says, “I have already answered your two questions, Ms. Winston, and normally I would seek some form of retribution in regards to questioning me more. But considering your curiosity of our proposed relationship I suppose I can give you another answer.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize —"

  Cutting off my words he exclaims, “To answer your question, no particular person, situation, or upbringing brought me into this lifestyle. When I began having sex, I noticed I liked to dominate my partners. I looked up others that practiced the same manners as myself and learned some of the basics in establishing these forms of relationships. I tend to favor the consensual but informal side of the affairs. It’s not nearly as sad a story as those books, I am sure you have read, describe,” he says sending a sexy smirk my way causing me to blush again. “Mallory, please consider what I’m asking of you. If you need a day to consider, please take it. I want this to work and I want as much time with you as I can, but this is all I can offer.”

  He kisses the back of my hand as the show in the planetarium comes to a close. When the house lights come on, I look around at the empty stadium.

  “Alex, where is everyone else?”

  “I booked this showing for us.”

  “You did? Why did you do that?”

  “I have my ways, Ms. Winston, and I don’t like my intentions questioned. I wanted some time alone with you so I ensured that it would happen. Of course, it is a shame you didn’t wear your wrap dress, we could have created a better show than those of the constellations.” The meaning laced within his words shoot electricity to my core, triggering me to bite my lip. “You look even more beautiful when your cheeks turn that shade of pink.”

  As the guide escorts us out of the planetarium, we head towards the waiting car with Gregory standing by the open door.

  “Does he always sit and wait for you?”

  “Not always, but I requested his services for tonight since I knew we were going to have wine with dinner.”


  Sliding into the car, Alex reaches across the back of the cushion and pulls me toward his side so that I am situated snuggly beside him in the center of the seat. He seems content with this arrangement so I rest my head on his shoulder as he begins to stroke up and down my arm. We don’t have a far trip before reaching my home so I fight my eyelids against sleep.

  After everything Alex revealed, I have a lot to consider if I want to spend more time with him. It pains me to think that this may be the last time that we see each other. At that realization, a sigh escapes my lips. With a glance down at me, he kisses the top of my head making me feel special, treasured. Falling in love with him would be far too easy. This notion is what has me the most scared about our potential affair.

  The car stops in front of my home breaking this content bubble I have encased around myself. Ever the gentleman, Alex ushers me out the car and moves to walk me inside. I open the main door and we stop in front of the entrance to my apartment, each unwilling to let the other go.

  “Would you like to come in, Alex?”

  “Thank you, but no. I have a few things I need to take care of back at my place," he replies as he rakes his fingers through his thick mane of hair in a seemingly nervous gesture.

  “Oh, okay. Well, thank you for a lovely evening; I had a wonderful time.”

  “You are most certainly welcome, Ms. Winston,” he says as he hands me a business card. “Please contact Gregory no later than 4:00pm tomorrow if you decide that you would like to pursue this with me.”

  “I will let you know either way, Mr. Stone,” I resolve as I stare up into his golden eyes and find myself getting lost in their pools of color.

  Leaning forward, Alex rests his forehead against my own.

  “Please say yes, Mallory,” he whispers.

  I reply in the same hushed tone, “I just need time.”

  “I understand. I am trying to be a patient man, which is not something I am familiar with,” he says as he takes a deep breath. “This may be the last time we will see each other and I really want to kiss you."

  My gaze flickers down to his lips and my tongue darts out to wet my pout.

  “Ok,” I reply.

  Swooping in before I even finish the word, his mouth is so urgent and passionate against my own. It’s as if he needs to capture my soul through this kiss and change my heartbeat match his own. My body is pin
ned against the front door by his weight and the ardor in this kiss seizes the air in my lungs. Nothing I have ever experienced can come close to how I feel in this moment. Roaming along my body, one of Alex’s hands finds itself massaging my right breast, while his left hand starts to hike up the skirt of my dress. That same hand meanders over to the front of my panties and pushes aside the lace, trailing his fingers through my slick folds.

  “Ms. Winston,” he groans.“You are so wet for me. Your body already knows what it wants,” Alex whispers along my mouth.

  His right hand tugs down the top of my strapless dress and the cups of my bra and at the upward thrust of my breasts Alex leans down and promptly licks around my nipples, spending a minute on one and then switching to the other. I hear him groan as he sucks a nipple into his mouth, sounding more insatiable every second. His finger starts to circle around my clitoris, burning a fire in my womb. Knowing I won’t last much longer, whispers of his name escape my throat and I gasp as the sensation takes over me.

  As reality slowly drifts back into my senses, Alex adjusts my dress and trails kisses up my neck to my ear.

  “That was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow, Ms. Winston. Have a pleasurable night,” he says as he places each long finger in his mouth, licking at my essence.

  When he steps out of our embrace, I see he needs to adjust himself and it builds my confidence to know that I affect him as much as he affects me.

  “Good night, Mr. Stone.”

  Placing a quick peck on my lips, he steps out the main door towards the awaiting car.

  Treading into my home, I grab a bottle of water from the kitchen and drink from it quickly, hoping to cool off my heated skin. It is only then that I realize the significance of what he is asking of me, to give myself over to him completely. To lose all sense of who I am when in his presence. Can I do that? I like to believe I have a more domineering personality. An Executive Director would need to have the capability to dictate those around her. On the other hand, I am always making sure everyone around me is taken care of before I do anything for myself and my confidence has plummeted recently. Maybe this relationship is what I need, to have someone take care of me, not to have to look out for anyone else, to have someone else appreciate what my body has to offer. I sigh aloud as I weigh the pros and cons of this potential relationship. I could really use a glass, no, make that a bottle of wine to think this over, but it is too late at night for that.